Thursday, June 28, 2012


2 Corinthians 4:1
"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart". 

Did you catch it? So often we forget about the fact that the perfection, revelation, and spreading of the Gospel is our Lord's ministry-not ours. We have been called through grace to partake in the ministry that our Heavenly Father has already paved for us on this Earth. He has paid the price on the cross. He created the ground on which we walk. He IS the Word. He does not need us, yet He desires us. His creation was formed for praise. This is why we serve-to bring Him glory. I pray I never let myself feel "empowered to spread the Gospel" instead of feeling humbled by the centrality of the Cross in my life. 

Recently, I had the opportunity to serve on a mission to Cambodia.  One evening, a fellow missioner prayed that we never lose sight of "God's mission for this country". He reminded us that it was the Lord's ministry in Cambodia. It was not our "duty" or "responsibility" to bring the Gospel to Cambodia. Instead, we have been called into the work that Christ is already performing in the lives of His children and regions all over the world. Our spiritual gifts, given by God, are what we must utilize. We are called to bring Light the world. You see, the spark is already engrained in our being. The spark of our Heavenly Father is in every single one of us. Our Spiritual Gifts are tools our God can use to help light the spark in others. This is why we must never waste the Spiritual Gifts He so graciously gave us. They are not for us. They are for Him. They are used to light the ministry that is already in action. And, they were given to us intentionally. They were placed in our souls to be utilized in His grand plan that has already been masterfully designed. 

So what is our responsibility if God's plan will be performed regardless of our contribution? We are asked to be aware of His plan, available for His call, and acknowledge the Holiness of our Savior. Let God be God, and let us be His servants. 

Something has been pressing on my heart so much recently. I wrote a blog called "The Call" a year ago, and much has changed since that time. 

I am beginning to see that the Call or the desire God has for our lives is a combination of multiple factors: 

The call of your life may not simply be spoken onto your lips by God. It may be a blend of innate passions, your divinely given spiritual gifts, the circumstances in which you have been creatively placed, the hopes you have always entertained, and the place where you see the most fruit being produced. 

God will use you just where you are and exactly how He created you. Of course He will, That is WHY He created you anyway! Our God is a God of consistency and omnipotence, yet He is also a God of action. We must be aware of, available for, and stand in acknowledgement of His work. 

I don't know about you, but I have wasted too much time searching and looking toward the future for where God wants me. I will tell you where He wants you. He wants you right now. Right Now. As you are reading this He wants you to praise Him and revere Him.  By searching for a place to bring our own ministry, we overlook God's ministry that is happening at this instant. We are missing the ministry that has began before time itself was created, and the ministry that will never end. 

Any ministry we create will crumble. It is not built on the plan that has literally shaped EVERYTHING.

Instead of searching, let us partake. Let us make ourselves available. Let us make ourselves aware of His plan and ministry. And let us acknowledge our Holy God in all aspects of our life. 

Hebrews 8:6 "But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old, as the covenant he meditates is better, since it is enacted on better promises."  

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