Monday, June 11, 2012


1 John 1:7  "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all our sin."

It is easy to list the important components of Christian Growth. First you have the Text. We must learn, rehearse, pray over, use, and remember the Text. Then you have prayer, the eternal conversation with your Savior.  What should follow in line after core personal development?
The Bible speaks of one term 19 times in the New Testament. Translated to mean "fellowship", "service", or "sharing, the Greek word Koinonia encompasses the act of true ministry within the Christian Faith.
In addition, Koinonia is frequently mentioned alongside the Father, Son or Holy Spirit. Koinonia can only exist in the presence of the the Trinity.
Two weeks ago I had the incredible opportunity of Koinonia in the beautiful country of Honduras. My two previous years in Honduras were centered about Vacation Bible School, teaching, and constructions efforts and progress. This year was much different. I saw the incredible bond of my fellow team members and the relationship they had built over the years with one another. They had been members to a home church for many years and understood the importance of having Christian brothers and sisters. I desire this so much. With the moving and transitional life I have had my entire life, I so long for a home church where I grow in the joy and love of many generations and many years. The week in Honduras also taught me that true fellowship must be centered in truth.
There is nothing as devastating as wasted time.  We have SUCH a short time on this earth to build relationships with a foundation in and of the Spirit.
Maybe, the Holy Spirit IS fellowship. It's peaceful presence in our life, and it's fulfilling presence in times of loneliness is our Koinonia. When we have no one, the Holy Spirit is our fellowship. The Holy Spirit is our authority and our guide. And, the Holy Spirit is our comforter in times of distress. The words of God advise us to never feel lonely, as fellowship and Koinonia with the Holy Spirit satisfies our human desire for relationship, and our eternal longing for a Savior.
Paul encourages the church and people of Corinth with these words, "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all".  (2 Corinthians 13:14)
I never thought of fellowship as an internal relationship and an external ministry. But then again, how would we have ever known how to serve others in Christ if Christ had not first served us through the Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the perfect demonstration of fellowship. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is grieved for us. The Holy Spirit teaches us. The qualities of empathy and learned doctrine are important not only in our internal growth but external service.
Finally we must look at Koinonia as a noun to fully understand the verb. Koinonia fils our hearts so we understand how to serve the Kingdom. Something I have found so mind-blowing is the fact that no matter the language, no matter the background, and no matter the future, Koinonia overshadows things of the Earth. Here is what I mean, As a Christian, how easy is it to identify fruit of the Spirit in your brothers and Sisters in Christ? When God is present, He does not hide Himself. It is easy to identify goodness. Koinonia does not stay silent or hidden either. When we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives, we can easily fellowship with others who partake in Koinonia.
Just as the Holy Spirit crosses Earthly barriers, so does fellowship, and so does ministry. There is a reason why the bible has translated Koinonia to mean both fellowship and sharing. Fellowship is meant to be understood through self experience with the Spirit, and then shared with all.
Let us listen to the Spirit, and take the qualities of the Spirit and bring them to the table. Let us bring them to our friends, to our family, and to those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ's healing power. Let us never underestimate the power of fellowship rooted in the giver of life and the founder of all that we can comprehend.

Koinonia is Fellowship. Koinonia is Sharing. Koinonia is Service. Let us remember this order, this progression, and this call from our God.

"God is FAITHFUL, by whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord"
1 Corinthians 1:9.

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