So, I decided to do this same thing today. Enter into the most "normal" of environments. A place where human beings have no front or illusion as to who they are. I find myself at the home of the supersize...Mickey D's. I walked in the door and immediately smelled Egg McMuffins and the sound of hash browns grilling in the background. Yep, I had arrived.
I searched for a table, and there were none to be found. I guess this really is the most happening place in all of Monroe, Louisiana. I decided to go into the play place section of the restaurant as no kids were playing at 8 am this morning.
Before the lunch time rush that I now hear all around me, I heard a woman speak some of the wisest words ever spoken. This mother patiently said to her son, "Honey be careful...that slide is so steep. I want to make sure I can see you as you slide down. I want to keep you safe."
She did not even know I was in the room, as I was purposely situated behind the play pen to avoid distraction. This woman anticipated danger, sought a solution, informed her son, and kept her eyes on him the entire way down the slide.
Isn't our heavenly father just like this? The instinctual emotions we have as humans for our children or siblings to keep them safe comes from our Father in heaven. And, if we believe we were made in the image of God, our Lord has these emotions when He looks at His and me.
The moment we decide to become reckless, engage in activities that do not please Him, or endanger our bodies, He promises to watch us as we slide down. He promises to be standing at the bottom of the slide to pick us up. And, He promises to always keep us safe.
We enter on to steep slides all the time.
We cannot abuse the love of our Father. Just as we hope to not worry our mother and father with our well being, let us always remember that our actions on earth worry our Eternal Father in the same way.
The mother and son just came down and sat right next to me at the aluminum looking McDonald's table. They are bringing me warmth and peace in such a stark environment. Real, authentic love seems to have a way of warming a cold soul, a cold environment, and a cold world. I just heard her remark to her sister (the boy's aunt) "He will tire himself out..don't worry...He will come down and rest soon".
God is a serious God. Yet once again, if we believe we were made in His own image, our God is also a God of pure humor and comedy. I can imagine our God looking down on our actions, shaking His head and remarking, "Ahhh Alexa, she will tire herself out eventually. Sometime soon she will find rest in me." The pace of our lives on Earth only bring us to collapse at the feet of our Savior.
Let us learn to avoid slides as to not worry our Father in heaven. Yet, we must always remember that at the bottom of the slide our God has His arms open wide to catch all of us. He watches us knowing that at some point soon...we wil get tired of the play pen. We will mature...But we will always need his consistent authority, and compassionate eye.
"Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
Ephesians 5:1-3
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