Wednesday, February 19, 2014


“Feelings are indicators, not dictators. They can indicate where your heart is in the moment, but that doesn't mean they have the right to dictate your behavior and boss you around. You are more than the sum total of your feelings and perfectly capable of that little gift . . . called self-control.” - Lysa TerKeurst 

How many feelings do we have in a day? And how often do we let those dictate an hour, a minute, or even a second of our time? 

Recently, there has been someone in my life who just doesn't take anything about me or anything I do seriously. And, have expressed that they would love to make my life miserable. They find ways to see me stumble in day to day life, or lie and gossip behind my back. We all have one of those people in our lives, right? There is always a person you see and it just makes your heart melt, as you know that when you converse with them or help them your emotions will be thrown out of your control.   

Something I have had to continually remind myself in the truth that the closer you are to the Lord, the gravity of your emotions dictated by people is minimized. And the more distant you are from people and the closer you are to the Lord, the more you look to His truth and His comfort to fill your mind with pure thoughts.  

In John 5, we see a very interesting passage. The entire chapter is a Witness to the character and the Power of Jesus. Towards the end of the chapter, Jesus states, "you refuse to come to me that you may have life (v. 40). I do not receive glory from people, But I know that you do not have the love of God within you. I have come in my fathers name and you do not receive me." (John 5:40-43)

We can learn so much from the interaction Jesus has with the people in this passage. Think about how frustrating it must be, to have a real, living testament to who the Messiah embody the glory of God, and understanding the modeling of the Great Commission to take place.  Yet, they are stumbling over one thing. Himself. If the people listening to the King are deterred by his human-ness, then what does that present for us to learn? Not only are the listeners stumbling over their own lack of faith, they are stumbling over the one bringing the message. 

Even so, Jesus did not grow discouraged, as he did not glean His glory from people. The adoration of His message or the hatred of His message did not dictate his state. Instead, He only grew more fervent in the Gospel, and its proclamation. He proceeds to state, "How can you believe, when you receive glory from another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God (v.44)?"  

I think it is crazy awesome how the Gospel is shown in this light. Jesus, the sovereign one, knows that to the human eye he could have come in a more royal fashion. He could have approached the Gospel reality to his audience through a sensory delighting, or a miracle. Yet, he sticks to the truth of the Lord and the power of the intrinsic message. Jesus even refers back to the Old Testament and tells the followers of the prophesy of the Lord to connect the dots for those listening, and to take the familiar, and couple it with the phenomenal truth of who HE is!  Can you imagine standing there with Jesus, and being left with that bit of truth? Followers, just as you dismissed Moses, is just how you dismiss me, and exactly how you are allowing yourself to not see the revelation of the Messiah through me!

Isn't it interesting how we can be so bogged down and disillusioned by the temporal and miss the eternal? Jesus is proclaiming the greatest truth in all of history, yet they cannot take Him seriously. 

Have you ever had someone not take you seriously? The easy answer would be...don't sweat it. Our Savior had it happen to Him as well. But, the reality is that not bring taken seriously, whether during evangelism or during our routine, is damaging to our ego. It hurts to know that we are not bring heard or understood. And, it is extremely hurtful and frustrating to know others are not receiving what takes energy for you to give. 
Yet, Jesus modeled for us the behavior and mindset of not accepting glory from others. That is not what can stabilize us or even "build" us up. Think of external pressures, pushing you, stripping you, molding you. Whereas with Christ, you can guarantee on being fulfilled internally through clarity of vision and focusing ont he gospel. 

Emotions, praise and even encouragement are fleeting if not from a source that is constant and omnipotent. Emotions will literally drive us crazy, and not being understood will wear us down. Yet through seeking the Lord, and minimizing our attention to the exterior, we will become filled in the most permanent of ways. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Until the End

Have any of you ever felt that your life is out of your control? Maybe you have felt that all that you do, all that you say, all that you try and accomplish is just one step short of actually grabbing onto your life?

You feel as though it is moving in front of you, and that you just cannot catch up.

Maybe it is the speed at which we live our lives. Multitasking...agendas...lists...priorities.  Or, maybe it is our world of technology, that fills our head with so much thought and content that we analyze other's lives before we dissect our own.

Often, I feel as though I am directed and pushed into avenues that I never wanted to be in the first place.  After an hour of scanning through pictures, visions, ideas, on my phone I feel less inspired than I did if I was to sit on my own and stare blankly into space. Why is that?

The vision I had for my life is so far off of what I end up getting myself into. How is this possible?

Has it ever hit you that the one directing you and pushing you to go in various directions wants you to get off course? Maybe it is distraction pulling you from where you need to be, or sin placing roadblocks in front of you, not allowing you to truly live the life formed for you.

I am beginning to see that the reasons we follow fleeting passions and become off- center isn't only because we are human and live in a fallen world. It is because the idols we find ourselves following do not have the full authority under heaven.

Distractions, Satan, and sin do not see the whole picture, yet they do see the fullness and the might of God.

Our Lord has been commanded with "all authority in heaven and on earth", and amazingly it "had been given to [him]" (Matthew 28:18). He has absolute authority, and can and will exercise it under the Father's command. This passage is embedded in the midst of the great calling and directing of the Bible, to bring people to the reality and the knowledge of the Lord as their Savior and Master.

In elementary school I remember shouting out the grammar terms and rules found in a passage after the teacher prompted us. Here, we find an ACTION verb-- a directing verb. "Go therefore.."

To those of you who do not know Jesus, and have no idea what this "great calling" or "great commission is", it sounds as though it is once again, another way to follow something with no end. Suddenly it sounds like we are finding ourselves following blindly on this mission.

Then-- this figure of authority changes the scene. Jesus states, Beloved..."I am WITH you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

While you follow on this thing called life, and navigate through the Great Commission, I am with you. And, what's even crazier, I will be with you until the END. Not just when it gets tough, not just when it is exciting, not just when you need clarity or direction. No, I am with you from the moment you were formed in your mother's womb, until the day you see me face to face.  I walk this journey with you. 

How many tasks in our life do we finish? I can't even read all of the 140 character blurbs that were posted the night before when I wake up. I have a hard time letting my computer charge to 100%. I run out of the door with my nails still wet (and later mess them up), because I hate waiting.  We hate staying until the end.

Earlier this week I posted a question to Twitter stating "why do you think our generation loves lists?" Buzzfeed posts of the top 10 ways to become successful seem to pop up every day. Many responded, "Because our generation wants the quick-fix".

Jesus doesn't skim through our character, choose what he wants, and ignores the rest. Jesus doesn't grow impatient. Jesus is there until the end. He declares the vision, and the direction from the beginning, and sets the reality of his presence. He is with us until the end- through the muck, through the heartache, through the rabbit-holes and distraction, and through the times we only go halfway and lose our way. He never leaves things unfinished.

Just as his dying breath was an exhale of truth.. "It is FINISHED", so is His presence with us. Through our living out of the Great Commission, and through the living of our lives, He stays with us and walks with us. Until the very, very, end.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Living the Right Life is Wrong

Are you tired today? Are you worn out?  Possibly it is the consuming habits of being right and being correct. I face these lies every day in a world where information is easily accessible and the glamourous lives of our peers is displayed in front of us.  We desire to be the standing point of reference. We want to be right. We want to be wise. We want to be noticed for our knowledge and our correct stance.  
Tonight I heard a sermon that discussed the difference between living a life of rightness and righteousness. Suddenly, I began to see significant parts of my life that I had been living to follow the "right" path instead of a righteous one.  A life of rightness is one governed by a series of works that equate to what we believe is a salvation-worthy life, while a life of righteousness is the humble submission to the will of God for the Glory of God.  

God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21

I started thinking more about this though and the depth at which we believe a life of rightness is a commandment of God.  We all desire to be right. We desire to have the correct political opinions, and we share them on social media. We all desire to be right in our theology, and swiftly correct those that are liberal or those that are too fundamental. We find joy in the argument and find passion in fueling a fire that only leave both parties more distraught and discouraged that we were in the first place. 

I am going to use a phrase often spoken in Sunday School all the way through adulthood... "We are on the same team." But, you know what is crazy? If we call ourselves follower of Jesus, we literally have submitted ourselves to the commandments of ONE truth and ONE calling. Although interpretations may differ and the ways in which our Heavenly Father reveals himself to us is different for every individual, at the end of the day, we exist to make Him famous.   

God formed, sent, and sacrificed his Son not so that we would correctly follow Him. He didn't send his son so that we would follow him in the most radical way. He didn't send his Son so that we would find the solution, the answer, or the RIGHT way to be a follower!  He sent His son as the redemption for our sin and the atoning sacrifice for our sins.  He sent His Son so that we have the ability to Follow! Period. That's it.  

Let us stop searching for the manner that is most obedient. Let us simply be obedient. Let us stop searching on how to be a rightful follower suited for the King. Let us submit, and follow

Jeremiah 9:23-24 

23 This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.

Being right is our feeble human attempt at making ourselves more clean and worthy to be presented to our God. Let us not waste time toiling in useless works. Only His Son can cleanse us.  Let us instead understand who our God is. Let us search Him. Let us know Him and His commandments. Let us exercise the kindness and justice for His people and His creation. It is in these fundamental acts that we transition from the pursuit of earthly rightness to heavenly righteousness.   

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

At Hand

Do you find yourself fueling your day with the dreams of tomorrow? Do you find yourself powering through your day with caffeine? Do you find yourself numbing your feelings with alcohol? Or gossip? Or stress-relief techniques?  Do you find yourself dreaming of the future so that you don't have to submit to the reality of the present?  Do you find yourself looking to the world as a solution to the world?  

Often I find that when I am in my deepest yearning for peace and comfort, I numb my current state with something of the earth. Isn't it so funny how we believe that the answer to pain, sadness and grief can be found in the place where those feelings originate?

We have been called as followers of Jesus to submit ourselves to God. We have been commanded to seek Him in the midst of our tired and weary state. 

"Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4: 7-8 

When we draw near to the earth, it does not draw nearer to us. When we seek comfort from the earth, the comfort does not grow in the knowledge of what our world is. In fact, isn't the opposite true?  Yet, our God lavishes His love and His peace on us as we submit to Him and find our answer in Him. Our world is a stagnant world. It cannot grow close to us. It cannot comfort us. It cannot turn our mourning into laughter.  

Let us always remember that our God yearns for the spirit that He has made to dwell within us!  (James 4:5) When we befriend the world, we lose the precious connection God planted within us from our conception.  The Spirit in us as believers is only nurtured after submission to God. By befriending the world and seeking its aid for our distress, we show our God that HE is not GOOD enough! We show the world that HE cannot SATISFY! Yet the reality is that the entire time we grieve, and cry and seek understanding from our world, He looks at us from afar saying, "Child...I am JEALOUS for you and the spirit within you!"

Why do we not seek him when we need energy? Why do we not seek him when we face confusion? 

Even when the world seems closer and "at hand", our GOD is even closer than that. While the earth stands still, our God seeks us with all of himself. And, who can be closer than that..?  

Friday, May 31, 2013

Conviction vs. Condemnation

As far as Webster is concerned, none of us are mature Christians. In fact, we are barely maturing. We certainly grow in our faith, through immersion in the Word, fellowship, conversations with believers, prayer, and community...yet maturity pertains to the perfection of a skill or the completion of growth.

One aspect of maturity is the discernment of conviction (Holy Spirit) and condemnation (Satan).   And, on paper, you might know the difference. In fact, you could possibly give a sermon about the difference, or at least mentor a friend on the difference between the two.  We can even recite Romans 8:1, that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Yet, I have learned in these past two months, that even a maturing believer can fall under the lies and deception of condemnation, incorrectly believing that the emotions coming over them are God-driven and originating in Holiness.

I read an article last week that was potent and pertinent on the subject of condemnation. It stated that because condemnation originates from the Great Deceiver, condemnation will deceive, will lead astray, and will push you away from God into one of two conditions; shame or depression.  Conviction, on the other hand, pushes you in the opposite direction; away from sin and into the loving arms of Our Father.

But once again, that's great, useful knowledge to know, to write about, and to encourage someone with. But when the overwhelming cloud of concern comes over believers as a wave, or pierces the heart, or confuses and creates anxiety, how really can we discern?  How can we discern these thoughts while avoiding despair?  How can we really learn to interpret our feelings, and divide them into truth from our Father, or lies from the devil?

First, how do these thoughts and feelings come to you? For me, I feel troubled late at night before I go to sleep.  I physically feel antsy, as though I cannot rest. I will check all social media outlets to pass the time, and "make myself tired" so that rest comes easy. Or, I know of friends that will wake up with doubt, and wake up worried, or even have frightening dreams that startle them awake.  What troubles you, and how does it trouble you?

Next, when is your soul troubled and stirred?   Not necessarily the time of day, but what is affected by your worry and anxiety?  Is it your time of prayer? Is it your community? Is it that coffee date you were looking forward to, cut short by anxiousness? Or, a Sunday morning that you could not join the Church family because of your grief?

Now here is what is SO beautiful- I promise you, the good news is coming!  The difference between conviction and condemnation can be discerned often by what is interrupted.

Here is something I will challenge you to do. When you feel the most on fire for Christ (or even when you only have a small flame!), open up your Bible.  Open your Bible the second that doubt and despair creeps in.  And, READ.  Read the good news that He has prepared for you.

And when you read, notice something. Take notice to see if your concerns (the things that clog up your day-to-day thought processes and take you away from constant prayer) are eased or if they interfere with the Good News.  As Christians, it is essential we remember that the Word is prepared by our Father for the glory of the Father. Or, as John Piper has stated, "We get mercy, He gets Glory. We get the happiness from Him; He gets the honor from us."

Begin to think about the last time you read your Bible. Were your thoughts eased, solved, aided, calmed, comforted by Him and His word that He has for You?  Or, was your time with God over-ridden by the sinful confusion of the present?  This is discernment.  When impurities affect purity, and when the temporal aims to distract from the eternal, condemnation is present. Yet, when your fears are comforted or an answer is presented, you may be under the reality of conviction. Our Father convicts us because He loves us and corrects us. He is our shepherd.  He would not correct without a Word of Truth accessible to you.
Imagine our Lord in Heaven convicting His children. When He sees a response in us, He is glorified. We are directed from Him and drawn towards Him.

I cannot even begin to open my heart to you all and express the process of discernment that has occurred in my heart and mind this past month.   And, as I said earlier, it is a process. A long process that may take a lifetime.  But once we begin discerning the moments and nuggets of truth that God places into the hearts of all of us-His children- the closer we grow to Him, and the easier discernment becomes.

"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."- Jeremiah 33:3

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."- Matthew 6:33

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Ever After Lady-T.E.A.L.

More info to come--this has been the great project of my last two years of college!

The Ever After Lady (T.E.A.L.) will be an online social media community for women that have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. 

Every woman deserves to live happily ever after!! 

Stay tuned for our new, interactive website! 


Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Parable for Effectivity

Last evening I had the opportunity to see the academy-award nominated movie, Lincoln, based on the life and successes of Abraham Lincoln's presidency. The accomplishments of this tall, awe-inspiring man were tremendous-but one aspect of his character stuck out to me as truly phenomenal and un-matched. 

Whenever Lincoln spoke, he drew crowds. He drew fans, and enemies, but whether you agreed with his views or not, he still grew crowds. He drew conversation out of people, and made the crowd ponder life-lessons and values. 

Amazingly, for such a tall and strong looking man though, Lincoln was not one to raise his voice in enforcement of his views. Instead he knew how to communicate effectively without needing to raise the volume of his voice, change the pitch, or utilize a certain pace. 

Instead, Abraham Lincoln told stories that mesmerized. He was was a genius storyteller. Through humor, history, and hope, Lincoln was able to translate direction in the midst of devastation.  Lincoln, spoke through parables. Life Lessons that point to his Savior.  I began researching some of the remarkable quotes by Lincoln and here are some of our world's greatest leaders comments on this man... 

 Count Adam Gurowski, a Polish exile who worked in the State Department, observed, “In the midst of the most stirring and exciting — nay, death-giving — news, Mr. Lincoln has always a story to tell.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson declared, “When he has made his remark, he looks up at you with a great satisfaction, & shows all his white teeth, & laughs.” 

Walt Whitman saw something else in Lincoln’s storytelling; he thought it was “a weapon which he employ’d with great skill.” 

Lincoln knew when to find joy in the negative and light in the darkness. But he also knew that it was necessary to meet people where they are. 

Jesus Christ modled this through his relational outreach to the "least of these."  From a woman at a well, to the sick and dying, Jesus was able to meet each individual where they were, and through where they were. 

It is crucial as believers to know a lot about a lot of things. I know this sounds like such an odd observation- but I encourage all Christians to read often and read a variety of works. It is essential to relate to people, even people that are far different in the way they were raised or their visions for their future. 

When we find a "connect" with people, we are able to show them that we care about them enough to go outside of our inner circle. And, we are able to show them the reason for which we live, for Jesus. 

Just was the most educated "backwoods" president one could ever imagine- he had people intelligence and intellectual intelligence. 

Let us be people-smart. And, let us understand that each person may not understand the reason for which we live. This gives us a significant reason to relate to people through stories, and through their culture. 

Commonalities let us become comfortable. And commonalities form communities. Through these communities, we can reveal Christ to our inner circle.   

Matthew 25:34-36  “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Last week, I heard a presentation by marketing genius, Seth Godin, at High Point University. The entire keynote was exciting, motivating, and encouraging for young entrepreneurs.

He stated something halfway through his presentation that was one of the most profound moments of his entire speech. In response to a question by our president, Dr. Qubein, he stated that a success to staying fit and maintaining health is eating simply so that you may live fully.   

Eat simple, live full.

Live simply, live fully.

When we remember to live our lives in simplicity, we avoid distraction and stay the course. For the Christian faith, it is essential to remember our purpose every single day. Our purpose on earth is simple-love God, and love others because you love God.   If that is our intention every single day, our lives actually become more full. When we live in the groove for which we were created, we thrive. 

I find it so interesting how we try and color outside of the lines hoping to "experiment", or find out more about ourselves.  In reality, we achieve the most then we realize what we were made for, and stay in that reality.   

John 5:30 

“I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Let us re-focus on what we were made for, and eliminate the things in our lives that take us our of the groove. 

 Trains cannot run apart from the specific grove in their tracks. The same is true for us. We cannot run or reach our destination unless we fit to the mold of which we were created.  And God does not make us identical-do not fear not being unique!  Your uniqueness will be found in Him, simply living for and with Him, and thriving in that creation.  

Live simply-Live in Him- and Live fully in the way He directs.     

2 Corinthians 1:12

For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.

Monday, March 18, 2013


God is looking for imperfect men and women who have learned to walk in moment-by-moment dependence on the Holy Spirit. Christians who have come to terms with their inadequacies, fears, and failures. Believers who have become discontent with ‘surviving’ and have taken the time to investigate everything God has to offer in this life.
Charles Stanley

Life is an investigation- investigating who we are, who we want to be, who the successful people are (and what makes them that way), as well as discovering the reason we are on this earth.  
Whenever someone asks me what a passion of mine is, I often respond, "Theology". I love the study of why people believe what they believe and why they believe it. I love the investigation. I love the soul searching. It is SO human, and so real. It reveals our doubts, our concerns and our dreams. 

Our Heavenly Father desires that we investigate him. Dare I say, He wants you to sit down and attempt to critique him, analyze him, and find fault in his perfection. We are human-we want answers! We hope to investigate once we have come up with a hypothesis of why God is. 

When we proclaim that God is good, we search for his goodness. When we hear a friend say God is gracious, we search for evidence of grace. 

God desires an investigation. 

Why? Because he is faultless, perfect, constant, and THE answer. 

The solution to our problem is why we investigate- Our God desires to be investigated. He wants to be our solution. 

When we hear something about our God, let us take time to pray on those truths, and see if He in fact adds up to the world's proclamations. Often the world will lead us astray through their "feelings", instead of the facts of who God is. Or, we may encounter an outlier who is not in touch with the reality of our God. But, once we take in the world, and lay that against the truth of the scripture (our avenue for discovering the true and perfect God) we can discern what is false AND-(this is the greatest part)- we come to know the Lord better through the investigation.   

Here is an Abrahamic Promise for us that will sustain us in our searching. In Deuteronomy, we see a declaration by Moses, through the Lord. 

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all of your heart and all of your soul."- Deut. 4:29 

And this will all occur, because we serve a merciful God who will never forget "the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them". And, a jealous God who "is a consuming fire" ready to protect you because He desires YOU and investigates and pursues YOU daily! 

I find it pretty amazing that the God that we pursue is perfect- and it is difficult for us to find the motivation to continue pursuing Him.  Yet, we are so far from perfect- and our God investigates our hearts, searches them, and loves us unconditionally even through the obvious imperfection.   

Let us promise to investigate our God and search the heart of the Lord. We will continually be renewed, finding perfected goodness and holiness!  

Psalm 139:23- "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!" 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Turbulent Heart

Yesterday I had the opportunity to serve on the "Student Panel" for High Point University' Admissions event, Presidential Scholarship Weekend. One young man in the crowd asked me a question that in the past, I had routinely answered without pause. He stated, "What was the toughest for you about the transition from highschool to college?" In the past, I had immediately responded, "not having my family close by", "meeting a new group of friends", or "being in a new environment." Instead, yesterday, I responded differently. And I said something-that at the time- did not make sense to me. I woke up this morning wondering why I said it, and where it even came from.
"You know, I believe the most important aspect of the transition is having a contentment of knowing where you are-and understanding that you will be in this new environment for four years. Know where you are, and thrive in it for four years. "
I think it is very interesting how often the words we speak are the ones that WE need to hear-not our audience. I had never said anything like that before to someone when they asked about college life. I continually create a lack of contentment within me- and continually find myself anxious for the future.

This morning I was reading a chapter in one of my favorite books of the Bible, Isaiah 40. It discusses comfort for God's people, that is guaranteed when we are in the grasp of our Lord. I noticed multiple verses that mention a common theme...

"Make straight the desert a highway for our God" (v. 3)
" Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low, and the uneven ground shall become level" (v. 4)
"And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together" (v. 5)

Isn't it so true that often our hearts feel one of two ways- like we are in the desert-thirsting for something more to quench the overwhelming desire we have within us. Or, we feel as though our hearts are turbulent-filled with mountains and valleys (sometimes within a 24 hour period!) and laden with uneven ground.

Just as roads transform rocky, sandy, shaky desert ground to solid highways, and turbulent hearts become stable and level, our Lord will do a work within us in the same manner.

He is the steadier of our hearts, the One who smooths the terrain, and the One who calms the violent emotions that take place within us every day.  This is how he comforts us! Often, He doesn't comfort us simply by throwing joy at us-maybe he comforts us by the steadying of our hearts, and smoothing  the rocky nature of our emotions.

The mouth of the Lord has spoken to his people, and continues to speak into our hearts every day. 

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." Philippians 4:11-12 

The Lord God Almighty-with strength and power that we cannot fathom takes the time to mold our hearts and steady them. How beautiful is the image of the Lord, that shaped us and formed us, continues to take the time every moment of every day to speak truth to our souls. He does not tire, he does not grow weary, even when his followers do. He does not lose heart when our Hearts lost focus, grow dry or grow turbulent. 

Allow your heart to be steadied by Him. It is His beautiful way of comforting us. 

Contentment is found in the understanding of permanence. Even though we will not be found permanently on this earth, we can stay content where we are because of the over-arching, permanent, steadiness found in Him. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Surprise

What makes a surprise special? For me a real surprise is something that you couldn't even begin to guess-nowhere on your radar and nowhere in your day-to-day thoughts.

Why were Christmases when we were young so special? Many would say Santa. I say it was the surprise. Santa wouldn't be glorified in our society's mind unless he brought a surprise! He brings the gift that is unexpected-wrapped in a way that alludes to the gift, but does not completely make it obvious in the child's mind.

Now, what makes Christianity, special?  To answer this, we must look at Jesus. Jesus was special because He was a surprise. He was and is a fulfillment of prophecy, but the manner by which He came to us and for us was a surprise. He was not a surprise gift, but the way in which He was presented was.

Now let us step back and look at this from the "surpriser's" point of view. You plan a surprise party for your friend, and you are so excited. In fact, you maintain more excitement than the one that ends up being surprised. Why? You see the whole picture. You know the work you put in to its organization and orchestration. You know the special gift you purchased for the individual's birthday. You cannot wait to celebrate with them as this is a new turning point in their life.

Imagine our Heavenly Father planning a surprise party for us. He has prepared the perfect gift-His perfect son. He has invited the perfect people-His creation. He understands that not everyone will accept the surprise- yet proceeds with the planning.

Our God understood that the perfect gift would be a surprise to His creation. But once we understand the gift, it all makes sense. It all becomes clear. It all fits together. And, we are filled with joy. We are filled with the joy we experienced when we were six years of age unwrapping a gift we may not have ever anticipated receiving. Yet once it is opened- it all makes sense, and you are so grateful.

Let us return to Christmas morning excitement when we open our bibles and open our hearts. He was a surprise for a reason- for that moment when we GET IT.   When we get it, we repent. When we get it, we look to Him more. When we get it, we are awe-struck. Surprises are more exciting than the expected.

Surprises are not happen-stance or random. Let us remember that tedious planning goes into a surprise, and to not take His surprise for granted. In addition, let us remember that surprises are intentionally crafted for a specific reaction from the surprised. 

Let us return to the humility and joy of a young child on Christmas morning. Let us regain the reverence and the awe when we look at Him.  

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth
John 1:15-17 (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Goals (2013)

Goals for a new year, 2013: 

1. Intentionally pursue relationships, decisions, and goals while abstaining from anything frivolous. 
2. Thrive in spontaneity: He gave us emotions for a reason. I hope to act on them frequently and sensibly. 
3. Understand simplicity: spend less, save an equal amount, give more. Truly go back to basics in all aspects. 
4. Continually desire to learn more about people- people watch, hug, read, observe.
5. Write more letters to more people.
6. Appreciate nature in a greater way. Nature helps us understand what it is like to go through seasons in our own lives.
7. Show compassion: break my heart for those who are hurting.
8. Exhibit forgiveness, and understand how often I need it myself. His grace sustains!
9. Work hard, and grasp the art of persistence.
10. This year will be a year of change: graduation, relationships, and a new career. I hope to praise Him in it, love those in it, stay content throughout it, and pray continually.

Happy new year, everyone!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Ordinary, and the Extraordinary

Christmas calls for a very specific type of message from the pulpit or from the stage. When one walks into church during the weeks leading up to Christmas morning, often they will hear a message similar to this: "Jesus used the ordinary poor teenage girl Mary to do an extraordinary thing-carry the Savior!"

Yet, here is what I am beginning to see. Mary is not ordinary at all. Yes she was poor. Yes she was young. Yes, she was even a woman! But to be ordinary in this world, those are not the factors. What makes someone ordinary? An ordinary person is someone who pursues glory or achieves it. It is someone who pursues power or achieves it. It is someone who hoards their money or gives to the poor only with recognition of their act. That is ordinary--- because it is expected. Because it is attached to the sinful nature of our world.
Extraordinary is submission. Extraordinary is a humble heart. Extraordinary is a kind spirit in the midst of ridicule.
Extraordinary is Mary.

Let us become extraordinary in the sight of The Lord. Let us stray from the ordinary. Maybe, He uses the extraordinary to do the extraordinary.

Luke Chapter 1
Hebrews 4:12

Monday, November 19, 2012

Are You Happy?

He asked me three simple words..."Are you happy?"  To say it caught me by surprise would be an understatement.  I stared at him.  "Am I happy?"  I have never been asked that question before.  I can respond to "How are you", "What's up" or "how's it goin'",  but  "Are you happy?"  I was at a loss for words.   Language translation and transliteration results in hilarious commentary. But this question was so out of the blue. I had never heard it before. 

 I was posed this question on my mission in Cambodia. We were driving on a large passenger bus from our worksite to the hotel. A young boy, about the age of eight, was the young man that presumed to ask me the simple question.  He was so intense when he asked me. He so badly wanted to hear me say, "yes...I am very happy."  

He desired to know how I was doing.  But instead of assuming that I could be good, bad, ugly, or in between, he immediately began asking if I was happy.  He jumped straight to the point- down to the heart of what he was asking. He didn't desire to ask how I was. He wanted to be certain that I was happy.  His platform for my "attitude" was already elevated to a level of happiness. 

Why was this? Probably because he saw our environment in a better light.  He understood that I was on a mission, praising the name of Jesus in a foreign country.  He understood that I was among brothers and sisters in Christ. He understood that I knew Christ.  So, of course I was happy, right?  He just wanted to clarify it with me.   

Suyen taught me something.  We as Christians are called to be happy, because he have reason to be happy at all times

1 Peter 3:10-11
"People who want to live a full life and enjoy good days must keep their tongues from saying evil things, and their lips from speaking deceitful things. They must turn away from evil and do good. They must seek peace and pursue it."

To live a full life we must expect happiness, and pursue positivity. Even in the midst of depressing and discouraging events we are continually being restored in His presence. 

JOB 33:26 He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and
shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state.

Often in church we will hear that there is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Instead of focusing on the semantics of the words, I believe we as Christians should thrive in the absence of fear and the absence of discouragement and the absence of the grave. If we do not have death and hell to ponder, then what keeps us anything but happy or joyful?  

Now we must ask this one question though: why is it important for Christians to be happy?  It is less important for us to be happy because of our temporal wellbeing as it is to reflect the joy of Christ to a lost generation.  The reason we must remain joyful and happy is because others will desire to know more of Him from a joyful person. 

Recently, at a Chris Tomlin concert, Chris stated something that will ring true in my head far longer than his catchy and God-glorifying music. He stated, "brothers and sisters, tonight when you rest your head on your pillow, LISTEN!  Listen to the sound of the angels praising our father in Heaven.  If you listen close enough you will hear them shouting, 'Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!'  Let us remove distractions from our lives that do not allow us to hear His praises!" 

For me, it is removing pessimism, discouragement, darkness, and literal words from my vocabulary. It is listening to the praises of angels before we fall asleep. It is sitting in the midst of nature and realizing that a fallen man could not create such splendor. It is allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by His goodness every once in a while. He wants to show us how great, mighty, and present He actually is.  Imagine if His children listened! And, imagine if we as His children sang His praises in happiness, in joy and in truth.  

ISA 12:2-3  Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The 
LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

Missions allow a moment for me to embrace pure, raw joy.  To remove myself from the mundane and the distracting.  Suyan knew that even when we was not "on" a mission, he was on-mission. He was continually on mission. And a part of that grand mission, was living in happiness and living in joy.  He gave me a little nudge when he asked me, "Are you happy?"  It was an affirmation of faith. I could imagine him saying (if he knew all of the complexities of the English language), "C'mon Alexa...Let's put a smile on your face! Life is short...the harvest is bountiful yet the workers are few- Let's show this world how great of a God we have." 

So, now I ask you. "Are you happy?"  Have you listened to the praises of angels recently? Have you forced a smile on your face because you know that being temporarily uncomfortable will not allow your faith in His majesty to be overshadowed? Others will know him through your happiness. And, as men and women in Christ, it is our duty to keep others mission minded, and grounded in the truths that will eternally provide happiness.  

Isaiah 55:12  You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and 
hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will 
clap their hands.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pure Evangelism

2 Timothy 4:5 
" As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  

The word "evangelism" was never spoken by Jesus Chist.  In fact, the word evangelism is never stated in the Bible, yet the active form of the word, evangelist, is. The Greek root of this word is "Euangelion". This literally means "the reward given for the transport of good news." Another beautiful aspect of this word is that the word "angel" comes from the root "euangelion".

So, what does all of this mean? First, to evangelize we must not encompass the noun, we must live out the verb. Just as the active form of "euangelion", evangelist, is used in the Bible, let us rise and move. I woke up this morning with something pressing on my heart that inspired this blog.   "What form of evangelism do you prefer?" I asked myself this question, and immediately found the inherit flaw. There are not multiple forms of evangelism. There is one pure form. It is the conscious and purposeful act of sharing the good news. It is not inviting someone to church. It is not being kind to someone. It is not feeding the hungry. Yes, we are called to do this as well! Yet, we are commanded to care for the orphans and the widows of our world so that we can express love to them and show them a little bit of Jesus. Yet we are certainly commanded to be an evangelist.  

Ephesians 4:11
"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. This is who is called to build up the body.

My friend Alyssa, often tells me that she was called to be a teacher in the most radical of ways. The Lord literally closed down doors leading her down other career paths. She had a passion burning inside of her to be in the presence of young children, and to foster their growth and maturity. She states to this day though, that often she cannot see herself in front of a classroom teaching-yet she knows she must care for them, love on them, and model behavior and learning for them.

Alyssa knows that she is not the liaison, the spokesperson, or the redirector.  She is the source of hope for many of these children.  As evangelists we are not called to direct someone to a church. We are not called to simply invite. We are called to spend time with, share with, mentor, grow, and love on them.  We are called to be sober-minded and to teach. We are called to be in the presence of those who are lost. We are not called to point fingers to the pastor. We are called to teach where we are , and to drop anything for the Great Commission.  The only being we should be pointing to is HIM.

It is from there, that we should invite men, women, and children to partake and serve in the body of Christ.

Notice that in Ephesians, the duty of the individual is set before they have been called to equip.   Christ began a good work in us, and is continuing to work in us. He made us Evangelists. It is literally in our blood.   Let us become evangelists, teachers, and shepherds of men.  Then, let us allow Him to transform our hearts for our greatest calling. It is from there that he will bring men and women into our lives to equip.  

Philippians 1:6 
Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

We are not called to simply redirect and let others "take care of the preachy stuff." No- that is our job. Our heavenly father crafted every centimeter of our DNA, to bring another beautifully and perfectly made creation into His truth.

Also, let us remember that in Ephesians 4:11, it states that the Lord gave us the right and the desire to share Him with the world. He NEVER had to do this.  He LET us. He is entrusting His creation to relinquish our hearts to Him, so that he may transform them, so that we may share our testimonies, so that others come to know Him and He is praised.  It is a beautiful cycle that He intended for us.

Let us return to the root of the word Euangelion.  The word "angel" comes from this word. The angels that brought the good news of the birth of Jesus- they are Euangelion. An angel "encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7) Angels protect, share good news and carry out the will of the Lord. They are a part of the Lord's great plan.  As angels brought good news, so will we.  Angels are the model of evangelism. They are submissive. They are prophets. They are holy. They are teachers. They are evangelists.

Let us share the beautiful news of Christ, personally, directly and purposefully. It is what we were created for. Submit our whole hearts to God, and then we may equip.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

National Student Leadership Forum Application

A piece of my National Student Leadership Forum Application.  
In Washington DC  Nov. 2-4

I thought this was appropriate for this blog. 

Discuss great leaders of History: 

As Albert Einstein once stated, “learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”. I am grateful to live in a nation where interrogation is acceptable, criticism is allowed, questions are encouraged. When I ponder great leaders in our world’s history, I immediately think of the courage and determination of Nelson Mandela. Standing for anti-apartheid, Nelson Mandela devoted the entirety of his life to freedom, unity, and tolerance. Although he stood for uplifting ideals, his life was centered around persistence and vigor. Amazingly, Nelson Mandela’s will for South Africa did not cease when in prison, and he displays resilience in every facet of his life.  Nelson Mandela asked questions-even when the questions seemed to have no peaceful answer. In addition to Nelson Mandela, I begin to think about a woman who is my role model, and in a sense, my mentor. I have never met Mother Teresa, but I feel as though I have. Mother Teresa’s journals are real. They are authentic. Mother Teresa, often considered the moving force for humanitarian aid in the past century, struggled with her faith and often asked questions. She knew that even when her faith felt like it was failing or confusing her, she continued to love. She understood that God was love, and she was determined to bring the Joy of her Savior to the world. Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa both asked the hard questions, and sought the answers of peace and love.

Discuss a leader who has personally impacted you:

I am grateful to attend High Point University, a small liberal arts school in North Carolina. The faculty is phenomenal, the classes are rigorous and challenging, and the atmosphere n campus is unrivaled. I am a believer in top-down leadership and top-down culture. The culture of a place is determined by it’s movers and its shakers. Recently I heard this quote, “Positive self-esteem can give you the character to face any obstacle that stands in your way. With high self-esteem, you can meet the most disappointing and discouraging situations with faith, hope, and courage. The primary difference between winners and losers is attitude. Winners make their goals; losers make excuses.” This quote comes from our president, Dr. Nido Qubein. Dr. Qubein moved from Lebanon to the United States when he was seventeen years of age, and fifty dollars in his pocket. In addition, he did not know the language. Dr. Qubein now sits on the board of numerous Fortune 500 companies, is a widely- sought after business consultant and the President of my school. I have been grateful to learn from this man, and have the ability to know him personally. I aspire to have the courage this man has. He not only understands hard work, but understands compassion. Dr. Qubein displays hope in the midst of uncertainly, and his charismatic presence defines the culture of High Point University. I am a believer in top-down operations. I aspire to lead as Dr. Qubein-not simply in the process, but in the philosophy, in the culture and through values.

What is a leader? 

A leader is the encapsulation and execution of two values: integrity and consistency. A leader must be a person of authenticity. Leadership is a transparent role. One cannot lead their peers through words alone, but through transparent motives. In addition, a leader must be consistent in their actions, consistent in their values, and consistent in their approach to those they serve. When one blends consistency and integrity, a winning combination surfaces. The reason it is a winning combination, is because it is rare.  With the presidential election swiftly approaching, it is obvious that clarity, consistency, integrity, and values-based leadership is rare and becoming less and less. I understand though, that when all is said and done, many can be executers and doers. Nevertheless, few individuals can be leaders. Leadership requires the individual to be the same person in the pulpit, in the public’s eye, in their homes, and in the office.  I desire to be, and will be this type of leader. Consistent living is not often a sought-after trait, yet it certainly makes life easier to live. Once values are defined the entirety of the leader must center themselves on those, and those alone.

Why do you desire to attend the National Student Leadership Forum? 

As a California native, I knew that to expand my potential, I would need to change my environment: get out of the west coast fast-paced lifestyle and immerse myself in completely new surroundings. I cherish my home of San Francisco/ Sacramento Valley but I knew that a school in a different part of the country would not only open up new doors for me but also expand my narrow perspective and outlook.  Sometimes, change is beneficial. And, more often than not, change inspires discussion. Change makes people ask questions as to why you chose a different way of living. When I was invited to the National Student Leadership Forum, I became elated at the prospect of genuine discussion, with fellow peers, who share a like-minded passion for change. Our generation is a cohort of social media interaction and fast paced discussion. We desire to get things done. But, we also desire to achieve goals through integrity. NSLF will allow the opportunity for genuine discussion, in the midst of an election year of change. Outlooks will be expanded, and new ideas will be shared. I am grateful for this nomination, and am looking forward to the inspiration awaiting me in D.C. Thank you for this opportunity, and I will continue to serve my peers, and eventually, my nation.