Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Goals (2013)

Goals for a new year, 2013: 

1. Intentionally pursue relationships, decisions, and goals while abstaining from anything frivolous. 
2. Thrive in spontaneity: He gave us emotions for a reason. I hope to act on them frequently and sensibly. 
3. Understand simplicity: spend less, save an equal amount, give more. Truly go back to basics in all aspects. 
4. Continually desire to learn more about people- people watch, hug, read, observe.
5. Write more letters to more people.
6. Appreciate nature in a greater way. Nature helps us understand what it is like to go through seasons in our own lives.
7. Show compassion: break my heart for those who are hurting.
8. Exhibit forgiveness, and understand how often I need it myself. His grace sustains!
9. Work hard, and grasp the art of persistence.
10. This year will be a year of change: graduation, relationships, and a new career. I hope to praise Him in it, love those in it, stay content throughout it, and pray continually.

Happy new year, everyone!!!

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