Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Capable Wife

This blog is mainly written for teenage girls. It is written for an online magazine/blog for the church I attend, but I wanted to share it! 

It is my second week in the South, and I now know why I am here. I have the opportunity to see my relatives every summer, and this year, has been one trip I will not forget.
Every day my grandma and I visit another family. I drive her Mercury Mountaineer all over downtown Ruston to another home where we will drink Sweet Tea, munch on homemade brownies, garden in the backyard, or shell peas. Life is different here. Not only does it seem as though it is in slow motion, but every time I visit, it teaches me something about humans. As I look into the eyes my grandma's elderly neighbors, they have something they want to say, and what they do express is so insightful. I experienced insight from someone this past Sunday; but it was not an elderly lady, or the pastor, but a fourteen year old girl in the youth group I attended. The youth pastor asked a question of the youth group, "What would you want to see written on your tombstone?" One teen raised his hand and responded, "Forgive me, and I will try to forgive you." After much laughing in the group a quiet girl said, "Well if I am blessed to have a long life and I get to serve the Lord and be married, I would want Proverbs 31:10-31 engraved on my tombstone." Everyone in the room stopped and racked their brain to see if that was a verse known by heart or one taught in Sunday school recently. Nothing came up. I immediately flipped my Bible open and turned to the last bit of the book of Proverbs. When I saw the words, "More precious than rubies", I knew which passage I was looking at. 
The Lord was fully aware that this part of His word was something I needed to hear...immediately. You see, this part of Proverbs discusses the image of a wife: one serving and living for Christ, her husband and her family. Proverbs has a lot to say about women. It is so fitting that the book ends speaking of a woman with great character, many diverse skills, and unconditional compassion. This woman is not a solely domestic, quiet, and servile woman. She is the picture-perfect wife, mother, and daughter of the Lord. Her resume includes being a realtor, seamstress, and merchant, and that is only the beginning of it. This woman of God does not tire easily, and is rejuvenated when she looks to the Lord. She is not lazy either, her energy is from Him. What is so amazing about this passage is that her character and dignity do not originate from within her, from her husband, or from her family. Her strength comes from her reverence for the Lord. 
To be wise you must first have reverence for the Lord. If you
 know the Holy One you have understanding. Proverbs 9:10
This woman has outstanding abilities. As women, we must look to her as an inspiration for all we can be. We can learn from her integrity and grow from her strength. 
Isn't she the perfect model for all women to admire, and aspire to be? She is a superwoman in God's eyes and heart. 
As women, praying to be the "capable wife" mentioned in the Proverbs encompasses every aspect of our lives. Our relationship with our future or current husband will be strengthened, our family will be concrete in Him, and our existence will be one devoted to prayer, serving and all-out worship for Him. What could be any better? Our lives, and our families will be a part of the Lord's Kingdom on Earth. 
The word "capable" is so interesting too. As flawed, sinful humans, how will we begin to be capable enough for our future husband?  We must start the groundwork now. Let us live lives of fellowship for Him now, so that our husband can praise our capable nature once in a marriage. And, in eternity, let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that all women know they have a home in You. Let us feel strengthened and humbled by your power. Transform each of us into a woman whose hope is to be a Godly wife: one who never tires because we know we are rejuvenated by You, and one that will serve her husband and family the way You have instructed. Let us begin to grow into a capable wife today, and bless our marriages under You forever. 

1 comment:

  1. You will be an awesome wife one day. Is this for bella dona?
