Friday, May 31, 2013

Conviction vs. Condemnation

As far as Webster is concerned, none of us are mature Christians. In fact, we are barely maturing. We certainly grow in our faith, through immersion in the Word, fellowship, conversations with believers, prayer, and community...yet maturity pertains to the perfection of a skill or the completion of growth.

One aspect of maturity is the discernment of conviction (Holy Spirit) and condemnation (Satan).   And, on paper, you might know the difference. In fact, you could possibly give a sermon about the difference, or at least mentor a friend on the difference between the two.  We can even recite Romans 8:1, that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Yet, I have learned in these past two months, that even a maturing believer can fall under the lies and deception of condemnation, incorrectly believing that the emotions coming over them are God-driven and originating in Holiness.

I read an article last week that was potent and pertinent on the subject of condemnation. It stated that because condemnation originates from the Great Deceiver, condemnation will deceive, will lead astray, and will push you away from God into one of two conditions; shame or depression.  Conviction, on the other hand, pushes you in the opposite direction; away from sin and into the loving arms of Our Father.

But once again, that's great, useful knowledge to know, to write about, and to encourage someone with. But when the overwhelming cloud of concern comes over believers as a wave, or pierces the heart, or confuses and creates anxiety, how really can we discern?  How can we discern these thoughts while avoiding despair?  How can we really learn to interpret our feelings, and divide them into truth from our Father, or lies from the devil?

First, how do these thoughts and feelings come to you? For me, I feel troubled late at night before I go to sleep.  I physically feel antsy, as though I cannot rest. I will check all social media outlets to pass the time, and "make myself tired" so that rest comes easy. Or, I know of friends that will wake up with doubt, and wake up worried, or even have frightening dreams that startle them awake.  What troubles you, and how does it trouble you?

Next, when is your soul troubled and stirred?   Not necessarily the time of day, but what is affected by your worry and anxiety?  Is it your time of prayer? Is it your community? Is it that coffee date you were looking forward to, cut short by anxiousness? Or, a Sunday morning that you could not join the Church family because of your grief?

Now here is what is SO beautiful- I promise you, the good news is coming!  The difference between conviction and condemnation can be discerned often by what is interrupted.

Here is something I will challenge you to do. When you feel the most on fire for Christ (or even when you only have a small flame!), open up your Bible.  Open your Bible the second that doubt and despair creeps in.  And, READ.  Read the good news that He has prepared for you.

And when you read, notice something. Take notice to see if your concerns (the things that clog up your day-to-day thought processes and take you away from constant prayer) are eased or if they interfere with the Good News.  As Christians, it is essential we remember that the Word is prepared by our Father for the glory of the Father. Or, as John Piper has stated, "We get mercy, He gets Glory. We get the happiness from Him; He gets the honor from us."

Begin to think about the last time you read your Bible. Were your thoughts eased, solved, aided, calmed, comforted by Him and His word that He has for You?  Or, was your time with God over-ridden by the sinful confusion of the present?  This is discernment.  When impurities affect purity, and when the temporal aims to distract from the eternal, condemnation is present. Yet, when your fears are comforted or an answer is presented, you may be under the reality of conviction. Our Father convicts us because He loves us and corrects us. He is our shepherd.  He would not correct without a Word of Truth accessible to you.
Imagine our Lord in Heaven convicting His children. When He sees a response in us, He is glorified. We are directed from Him and drawn towards Him.

I cannot even begin to open my heart to you all and express the process of discernment that has occurred in my heart and mind this past month.   And, as I said earlier, it is a process. A long process that may take a lifetime.  But once we begin discerning the moments and nuggets of truth that God places into the hearts of all of us-His children- the closer we grow to Him, and the easier discernment becomes.

"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."- Jeremiah 33:3

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."- Matthew 6:33