Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Ordinary, and the Extraordinary

Christmas calls for a very specific type of message from the pulpit or from the stage. When one walks into church during the weeks leading up to Christmas morning, often they will hear a message similar to this: "Jesus used the ordinary poor teenage girl Mary to do an extraordinary thing-carry the Savior!"

Yet, here is what I am beginning to see. Mary is not ordinary at all. Yes she was poor. Yes she was young. Yes, she was even a woman! But to be ordinary in this world, those are not the factors. What makes someone ordinary? An ordinary person is someone who pursues glory or achieves it. It is someone who pursues power or achieves it. It is someone who hoards their money or gives to the poor only with recognition of their act. That is ordinary--- because it is expected. Because it is attached to the sinful nature of our world.
Extraordinary is submission. Extraordinary is a humble heart. Extraordinary is a kind spirit in the midst of ridicule.
Extraordinary is Mary.

Let us become extraordinary in the sight of The Lord. Let us stray from the ordinary. Maybe, He uses the extraordinary to do the extraordinary.

Luke Chapter 1
Hebrews 4:12

Monday, November 19, 2012

Are You Happy?

He asked me three simple words..."Are you happy?"  To say it caught me by surprise would be an understatement.  I stared at him.  "Am I happy?"  I have never been asked that question before.  I can respond to "How are you", "What's up" or "how's it goin'",  but  "Are you happy?"  I was at a loss for words.   Language translation and transliteration results in hilarious commentary. But this question was so out of the blue. I had never heard it before. 

 I was posed this question on my mission in Cambodia. We were driving on a large passenger bus from our worksite to the hotel. A young boy, about the age of eight, was the young man that presumed to ask me the simple question.  He was so intense when he asked me. He so badly wanted to hear me say, "yes...I am very happy."  

He desired to know how I was doing.  But instead of assuming that I could be good, bad, ugly, or in between, he immediately began asking if I was happy.  He jumped straight to the point- down to the heart of what he was asking. He didn't desire to ask how I was. He wanted to be certain that I was happy.  His platform for my "attitude" was already elevated to a level of happiness. 

Why was this? Probably because he saw our environment in a better light.  He understood that I was on a mission, praising the name of Jesus in a foreign country.  He understood that I was among brothers and sisters in Christ. He understood that I knew Christ.  So, of course I was happy, right?  He just wanted to clarify it with me.   

Suyen taught me something.  We as Christians are called to be happy, because he have reason to be happy at all times

1 Peter 3:10-11
"People who want to live a full life and enjoy good days must keep their tongues from saying evil things, and their lips from speaking deceitful things. They must turn away from evil and do good. They must seek peace and pursue it."

To live a full life we must expect happiness, and pursue positivity. Even in the midst of depressing and discouraging events we are continually being restored in His presence. 

JOB 33:26 He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and
shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state.

Often in church we will hear that there is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Instead of focusing on the semantics of the words, I believe we as Christians should thrive in the absence of fear and the absence of discouragement and the absence of the grave. If we do not have death and hell to ponder, then what keeps us anything but happy or joyful?  

Now we must ask this one question though: why is it important for Christians to be happy?  It is less important for us to be happy because of our temporal wellbeing as it is to reflect the joy of Christ to a lost generation.  The reason we must remain joyful and happy is because others will desire to know more of Him from a joyful person. 

Recently, at a Chris Tomlin concert, Chris stated something that will ring true in my head far longer than his catchy and God-glorifying music. He stated, "brothers and sisters, tonight when you rest your head on your pillow, LISTEN!  Listen to the sound of the angels praising our father in Heaven.  If you listen close enough you will hear them shouting, 'Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!'  Let us remove distractions from our lives that do not allow us to hear His praises!" 

For me, it is removing pessimism, discouragement, darkness, and literal words from my vocabulary. It is listening to the praises of angels before we fall asleep. It is sitting in the midst of nature and realizing that a fallen man could not create such splendor. It is allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by His goodness every once in a while. He wants to show us how great, mighty, and present He actually is.  Imagine if His children listened! And, imagine if we as His children sang His praises in happiness, in joy and in truth.  

ISA 12:2-3  Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The 
LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

Missions allow a moment for me to embrace pure, raw joy.  To remove myself from the mundane and the distracting.  Suyan knew that even when we was not "on" a mission, he was on-mission. He was continually on mission. And a part of that grand mission, was living in happiness and living in joy.  He gave me a little nudge when he asked me, "Are you happy?"  It was an affirmation of faith. I could imagine him saying (if he knew all of the complexities of the English language), "C'mon Alexa...Let's put a smile on your face! Life is short...the harvest is bountiful yet the workers are few- Let's show this world how great of a God we have." 

So, now I ask you. "Are you happy?"  Have you listened to the praises of angels recently? Have you forced a smile on your face because you know that being temporarily uncomfortable will not allow your faith in His majesty to be overshadowed? Others will know him through your happiness. And, as men and women in Christ, it is our duty to keep others mission minded, and grounded in the truths that will eternally provide happiness.  

Isaiah 55:12  You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and 
hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will 
clap their hands.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pure Evangelism

2 Timothy 4:5 
" As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  

The word "evangelism" was never spoken by Jesus Chist.  In fact, the word evangelism is never stated in the Bible, yet the active form of the word, evangelist, is. The Greek root of this word is "Euangelion". This literally means "the reward given for the transport of good news." Another beautiful aspect of this word is that the word "angel" comes from the root "euangelion".

So, what does all of this mean? First, to evangelize we must not encompass the noun, we must live out the verb. Just as the active form of "euangelion", evangelist, is used in the Bible, let us rise and move. I woke up this morning with something pressing on my heart that inspired this blog.   "What form of evangelism do you prefer?" I asked myself this question, and immediately found the inherit flaw. There are not multiple forms of evangelism. There is one pure form. It is the conscious and purposeful act of sharing the good news. It is not inviting someone to church. It is not being kind to someone. It is not feeding the hungry. Yes, we are called to do this as well! Yet, we are commanded to care for the orphans and the widows of our world so that we can express love to them and show them a little bit of Jesus. Yet we are certainly commanded to be an evangelist.  

Ephesians 4:11
"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. This is who is called to build up the body.

My friend Alyssa, often tells me that she was called to be a teacher in the most radical of ways. The Lord literally closed down doors leading her down other career paths. She had a passion burning inside of her to be in the presence of young children, and to foster their growth and maturity. She states to this day though, that often she cannot see herself in front of a classroom teaching-yet she knows she must care for them, love on them, and model behavior and learning for them.

Alyssa knows that she is not the liaison, the spokesperson, or the redirector.  She is the source of hope for many of these children.  As evangelists we are not called to direct someone to a church. We are not called to simply invite. We are called to spend time with, share with, mentor, grow, and love on them.  We are called to be sober-minded and to teach. We are called to be in the presence of those who are lost. We are not called to point fingers to the pastor. We are called to teach where we are , and to drop anything for the Great Commission.  The only being we should be pointing to is HIM.

It is from there, that we should invite men, women, and children to partake and serve in the body of Christ.

Notice that in Ephesians, the duty of the individual is set before they have been called to equip.   Christ began a good work in us, and is continuing to work in us. He made us Evangelists. It is literally in our blood.   Let us become evangelists, teachers, and shepherds of men.  Then, let us allow Him to transform our hearts for our greatest calling. It is from there that he will bring men and women into our lives to equip.  

Philippians 1:6 
Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

We are not called to simply redirect and let others "take care of the preachy stuff." No- that is our job. Our heavenly father crafted every centimeter of our DNA, to bring another beautifully and perfectly made creation into His truth.

Also, let us remember that in Ephesians 4:11, it states that the Lord gave us the right and the desire to share Him with the world. He NEVER had to do this.  He LET us. He is entrusting His creation to relinquish our hearts to Him, so that he may transform them, so that we may share our testimonies, so that others come to know Him and He is praised.  It is a beautiful cycle that He intended for us.

Let us return to the root of the word Euangelion.  The word "angel" comes from this word. The angels that brought the good news of the birth of Jesus- they are Euangelion. An angel "encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7) Angels protect, share good news and carry out the will of the Lord. They are a part of the Lord's great plan.  As angels brought good news, so will we.  Angels are the model of evangelism. They are submissive. They are prophets. They are holy. They are teachers. They are evangelists.

Let us share the beautiful news of Christ, personally, directly and purposefully. It is what we were created for. Submit our whole hearts to God, and then we may equip.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

National Student Leadership Forum Application

A piece of my National Student Leadership Forum Application.  
In Washington DC  Nov. 2-4

I thought this was appropriate for this blog. 

Discuss great leaders of History: 

As Albert Einstein once stated, “learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”. I am grateful to live in a nation where interrogation is acceptable, criticism is allowed, questions are encouraged. When I ponder great leaders in our world’s history, I immediately think of the courage and determination of Nelson Mandela. Standing for anti-apartheid, Nelson Mandela devoted the entirety of his life to freedom, unity, and tolerance. Although he stood for uplifting ideals, his life was centered around persistence and vigor. Amazingly, Nelson Mandela’s will for South Africa did not cease when in prison, and he displays resilience in every facet of his life.  Nelson Mandela asked questions-even when the questions seemed to have no peaceful answer. In addition to Nelson Mandela, I begin to think about a woman who is my role model, and in a sense, my mentor. I have never met Mother Teresa, but I feel as though I have. Mother Teresa’s journals are real. They are authentic. Mother Teresa, often considered the moving force for humanitarian aid in the past century, struggled with her faith and often asked questions. She knew that even when her faith felt like it was failing or confusing her, she continued to love. She understood that God was love, and she was determined to bring the Joy of her Savior to the world. Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa both asked the hard questions, and sought the answers of peace and love.

Discuss a leader who has personally impacted you:

I am grateful to attend High Point University, a small liberal arts school in North Carolina. The faculty is phenomenal, the classes are rigorous and challenging, and the atmosphere n campus is unrivaled. I am a believer in top-down leadership and top-down culture. The culture of a place is determined by it’s movers and its shakers. Recently I heard this quote, “Positive self-esteem can give you the character to face any obstacle that stands in your way. With high self-esteem, you can meet the most disappointing and discouraging situations with faith, hope, and courage. The primary difference between winners and losers is attitude. Winners make their goals; losers make excuses.” This quote comes from our president, Dr. Nido Qubein. Dr. Qubein moved from Lebanon to the United States when he was seventeen years of age, and fifty dollars in his pocket. In addition, he did not know the language. Dr. Qubein now sits on the board of numerous Fortune 500 companies, is a widely- sought after business consultant and the President of my school. I have been grateful to learn from this man, and have the ability to know him personally. I aspire to have the courage this man has. He not only understands hard work, but understands compassion. Dr. Qubein displays hope in the midst of uncertainly, and his charismatic presence defines the culture of High Point University. I am a believer in top-down operations. I aspire to lead as Dr. Qubein-not simply in the process, but in the philosophy, in the culture and through values.

What is a leader? 

A leader is the encapsulation and execution of two values: integrity and consistency. A leader must be a person of authenticity. Leadership is a transparent role. One cannot lead their peers through words alone, but through transparent motives. In addition, a leader must be consistent in their actions, consistent in their values, and consistent in their approach to those they serve. When one blends consistency and integrity, a winning combination surfaces. The reason it is a winning combination, is because it is rare.  With the presidential election swiftly approaching, it is obvious that clarity, consistency, integrity, and values-based leadership is rare and becoming less and less. I understand though, that when all is said and done, many can be executers and doers. Nevertheless, few individuals can be leaders. Leadership requires the individual to be the same person in the pulpit, in the public’s eye, in their homes, and in the office.  I desire to be, and will be this type of leader. Consistent living is not often a sought-after trait, yet it certainly makes life easier to live. Once values are defined the entirety of the leader must center themselves on those, and those alone.

Why do you desire to attend the National Student Leadership Forum? 

As a California native, I knew that to expand my potential, I would need to change my environment: get out of the west coast fast-paced lifestyle and immerse myself in completely new surroundings. I cherish my home of San Francisco/ Sacramento Valley but I knew that a school in a different part of the country would not only open up new doors for me but also expand my narrow perspective and outlook.  Sometimes, change is beneficial. And, more often than not, change inspires discussion. Change makes people ask questions as to why you chose a different way of living. When I was invited to the National Student Leadership Forum, I became elated at the prospect of genuine discussion, with fellow peers, who share a like-minded passion for change. Our generation is a cohort of social media interaction and fast paced discussion. We desire to get things done. But, we also desire to achieve goals through integrity. NSLF will allow the opportunity for genuine discussion, in the midst of an election year of change. Outlooks will be expanded, and new ideas will be shared. I am grateful for this nomination, and am looking forward to the inspiration awaiting me in D.C. Thank you for this opportunity, and I will continue to serve my peers, and eventually, my nation.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

His Kind of Perfect.

If something is "too good to be true", it probably is. Let us remember that "there is a way that seems right to man, but in the end is the way to death"- Proverbs 14:12. 

The path to hell may look romantic, beautiful, light, airy, perfect, or even Godly. So, how do we even know if our choices are of His Kingdom? Instead of asking if something is perfect or pure, ask: does it look like Jesus?  Does it require sacrifice?  I often think about the fact that Jesus was not who the Jews thought would be their Savior. Poor, born in a manger, no esteemed social status. Many men performed "magic", and the miracles of Jesus did not send them to conversion. Jesus was not King, he was not a "Wise Man", but He was a wise man. He would have never worked on the Sabbath, He would have kept the law in its entirety. Jesus was not condemning the prostitute and beggars-he sat down with them...and heard their story! The parades for Jesus were not the "King's parade" the Jews expected and Jesus was not constructing marvelous temples to form an Earthly Kingdom, not stroring treasures in Heaven for a Heavenly Kingdom.

So, why did I just unpack this piece of history? We are so often the Jews. We are so often forming our own reality, searching for our Jesus. We search for "Jesus" (our destiny, our future, even His plan for our life), yet ignore Jesus. By searching for Jesus without focusing on Jesus, we set ourselves up for a great trap. Earthly beauty disguises itself as "Jesus", but often it is not Jesus.

Here is an example. If a church must pour money into the architecture, decoration, or aesthetic appeal for any other reason than accomodate additional church attendance, I become nervous.  The earth approves, but where is Jesus?  If the goal of our lives is anything but loving Jesus and loving his people, it becomes shaky. As I have grown in my faith, I realize that avoiding the "negative" in society should not be our greatest concern. It is not intensely difficult to avoid drugs, abuse, stealing, or cheating. We see the effects of this quickly. We get caught, we are found out, or we become sick. But the conditions that the earth applauds-pride, arrogance, hoarding of money, or sex- there is no obvious discipline for these conditions or actions.

I heard something very interesting from my step-father a few weeks back. He is one of the most wise people I know. He told me, "Alexa, here is the thing. God is going to use me whether I am sitting in a jail cell, or if I am living in this beautiful home with my wife and children. God will never give up on you. Often it is up to you where you submit to Him-because He will use you no matter how much you fall to the earth."  Interesting, huh?  Even if we begin to buy into the world's lie of greediness, pride, or jealousy, God will still use you. Now isn't that unbelievably comforting and utterly frightening?

Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

The Earth looks great. Really, it does. And often, it looks so good because there is a hint of truth wrapped in sin. But, even if we decide to go after the truth within it, we must remember sin always lies, and idols always lie. We will become trapped. In addition, we were formed to live on this earth. We are comfortable living here because it was the original intention. BUT, we were formed to live on a perfect earth. We have no business engaging in this world now that it has been steeped in sin and we are in bondage to it.  Yet, we ARE here. We must remember that the only freedom we have is in Jesus-and Jesus is not found in the Earth. He is found in His Father and in His word. Let us bring His word to the Earth. When we shine His light against a dark world (or a world that only appears light and beautiful), Truth will rise to the surface.

Finally, ask yourself-what do you consider the most pleasing things on this earth? For me, a beautiful family, a healthy body, and caring for those who do not have a role model or parent make my heart filled with joy.  But, I must remind myself every single day, that even these relationships or "ideals" cause me to stumble. They cause me to not appreciate my current life and where the Lord has taken me thus far. It allows me to become discouraged with my body and have a negative self-image. And, it can even lead to pride or selfish thought. Even the beautiful can be manipulated by the earth.

This is why, we must meditate on the word. And, we must use extreme caution when we talk about the things in which we are the most passionate. The devil will manipulate the good for his will. Let us give our passions to Jesus so that He can perfect them for us. If we turn to the earth to find the perfect family, form the perfect body, or foster His children we pull away from our God and give them to the earth. He placed these desires in us to be released back to Him....not to the earth!

James 1:4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Be wary of the perfect, and be wary of the beautiful. It may be of God, or it may not. In either case reflect your daily life against the Truths of scripture, and the Truth of the Messiah. Jesus is honest. Jesus is perfect. Jesus the the one we will meet one day. Let us live in His perfect light, and His alone.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Application to a Summer Missionary Internship in Cambodia

Dear General Board of Global Ministries, 
I write to you with excitement, anticipation, and an eager heart. Two months ago I returned from the beautiful land of Cambodia, after a two week long mission with my grandmother. We joined a Louisiana Volunteer in Mission team, with the leaders from Mandeville, LA. You see, my grandmother and I were tired…exhausted actually. We had just returned from another mission to Honduras, also under the United Methodist Church and a LAVIM team. Our summer was filled with the joy of missions. Yet, I did not anticipate that this mission to Cambodia would be just as life changing.  I knew nothing about the country, culture, or the language. I was familiar with all three of these traits on all former missions to Mexico, Honduras or city ministries in the states. But with Cambodia, I knew nothing.  I find it amazing how the grace of our God crosses all earthly boundaries, and with relentless love, allows connections to be made between His creation. The Holy Spirit was present in every aspect of our mission. I saw the Spirit in conversations with fellow team members, and through the broken conversations I carried on with the local people. The "Koinonia" was present and fellowship was of Him.  
The missionary "spark" has been with me ever since I found the Lord (and the Lord found me) at the age of 15. After being diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, I knew that my life would never look the same, and that every single day was a blessing from our Father. I knew that I would never be able to have children of my own-yet I must with every ounce of my being, become a mother to those who do not know Jesus. The word for "Parent" and "Teacher" in the Old Testament Hebrew is the same definition. in the Hebrew language, the very root for "parent" is the word yarah. This word means, "to shoot an arrow" or "to direct" something or someone. I know that although in the earthly realm, I may not be able to bear children, I will and have been called to teach and to guide. Also, I learned that life was to be filled with peace, but that life was also short, and we must be people of action and of love. I know that all are called to be missioners, yet I know a specific missionary calling on one's life is something special and cannot be ignored. I am a rising Junior in college at High Point University in North Carolina. I pray that next summer, the summer of 2013, I can spend it in the Kingdom of Cambodia introducing them to the love and saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
I recently heard a life-changing message on the difference between gifts and talents. Being raised in a home where my father is a motivational speaker and author, and my mother is an outgoing business woman, I found myself with the drive to be "successful" (however one is to define it). I soon began to realize though, that an earthly talent may signal, but it not indicative of a Spiritual Gift.  I know my talents are rooted in entrepreneurial ability and hard work, but my Spiritual Gift has been found clearly in teaching. The Lord has used this gift to build up the body and community surrounding me. A gift must build up the body of Christ- and I am willing to embrace and fulfill a calling on my life in regards to the gifts God has so graciously given me. 
I am passionate about teaching the Word of God to youth, adults, and my peers. I have a strong desire in my heart to aid women and serve them as well. We will be called before God on the things that we know.  And, I have clearly seen the condition of Cambodia. This is a land where Bibles are scarce, and teachers are even fewer. There is a need, and there is a calling. When 95% of the nation has either not been introduced to, or is rejecting the power of Our Savior, something must be done. And now that the Lord has convicted my soul to move, I am in His hands. 
As a college student my summer calendar is open and I am ready and willing to serve as an individual volunteer for the summer of 2013 between May 15th, and August 10th. I worked with Ms. Irene for two days in Cambodia under the CHAD program, and saw a great need. In addition, I spent time with Clara and witnessed a vast calling. I am willing to be placed wherever the greatest need arises. 

Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing to serve the Kingdom of God! 
Alexa Crawford

Parable of the Sower

We are but seeds being planted on earth for Him, and on the same token, we are the planters. How will be grow and plant in perfect synchronization? Is it possible for us to simultaneously do both?

Amazingly, as we grow, we will also become greater planters. Through growth and maturity we gain discernement on key issues, and find ways to present the Word to (or plant seeds in) seekers in our community.

Here is the parable:

Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”
Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

First off, we see that Jesus teaching His disciples had become a regular routine. And, this was an issue that certainly needed clarification as it was at the root of (pun intended) the Christian walk.  I recently learned that the reason we often see Jesus standing next to bodies of water when He taught was for the simple reason of voice projection. His voice could bounce off of the water, and could reach more humans in His short ministry.

I believe this parable is for two different people. It is directed towards the growing Christian. With the Holy spirit inside of them, the seed is planted and growth begins to occur. At the same time, we see lanuage directed to the planter. We are all called to be "fishers of men", and use our feet to bring the Gospel (Matthew 4:19, Romans 10:14-15).

As a growing Christian, we must be sure that the seed of truth is planted firmly in our hearts.

So, to be a follower of Jesus Christ we must :
Be on the Path, and not stray from it
avoid those who will not allow you to Study the scriptures.
Must be certain that our manner of study is in sync with our learning soil. It must be fertile and healthy.
Must be rooted, and find our identity in Jesus-Only Jesus.
Allow ourselves to be in the mission field but not consumed by it.

And, the parable makes it clear, that to be a growing Christian, we must continually plant seeds. A dying plant cannot bear seeds to plant in others. It is a cycle that we as Christians have been called to uphold.

To Share the Gospel and plant seeds we must:
Listen to His commandments and direction
Share the Good News...with ALL.
Realize that seeds will fall as they may.

Let us become both the grower and the planter. One cannot live without the other. And, they both depend upon one another for the growing of the Kingdom.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is Slowing You Down?

Looking at my life, specific conversation pop out in my mind as having great significance and shaping the course of my decisions. Usually these conversations happen with one of my greatest friends, and I am blessed to be surrounded by great thinkers in every social circle.  One of my greatest friends from High Point University, had a conversation with me in passing one afternoon that blew my mind.

We were walking down the promenade in opposite directions, and ran into one another while I was heading to my residence hall. She was rocking heels, a skirt, sweater, and an awesome Anthropologie necklace. I began to ask her where she purchased all of her adorable clothes, and inherited her fantastic style. While discussing the heels, she told me, "Alexa, guess what I just learned?" I began to get very excited, as we shared similar passions and knew that this recent revelation would be interesting to me as well. She continued, "in my women and gender studies class, we learned that heels (which were originally designed by men), were crafted with the primary intent of slowing women down." When women wore heels, they could no longer walk with ease or rapidity, and trailed behind men everywhere they went. I was shocked. We continued to discuss how we always found heels as a powerful accessory. We could elevate our height, and the sound of a stiletto heel repetitively hitting the floor was slightly intimidating.

But this conversation continued to ring in my ears. Lindsey Queener is a thinker, so I knew that these words were not spoken on a whim.  And, I reminisced on this conversation two weeks ago, as I attended National Speakers' Association conference. I wore heels the first day, and suddenly realized that I was getting less done. I was moving slower, my feet were in pain, and my productivity was pathetic.

Do we ever allow ourselves to "put on" a hindrance? Often we purposely put on, or take on, something that leads to a hindrance in sharing the gospel. For example, I know that if it wasn't a direct hindrance for me, I would walk everywhere with headphones in my ears, listening to music. Yet, I also realize that I would miss precious conversation with many that I pass, and ignore the noises of the "daily grind" of my peers. When we sit back and think about all the choices we make to take short cuts and create a better experience on the human level, let us also realize how much we miss out on in the spiritual realm. By making aspects of our life comfortable, stylish, simple, or popular, we miss out on the opportunity to sacrificially live.

Hebrews 13:15-16 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-- the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

The Bible commands us to make sacrifice a way of life. It must be a continual shedding of the "self" for a pursuance of the Spirit. Last night I heard a phenomenal message in which it was stressed that we must overcome small temptations regularly in our lives to practice facing the deep-rooted sin, and enormous temptation that we inevitably will be forced accept, or reject. Psychologists have stated that it takes twenty days to overcome a habit and change your behavioral response to daily life tendencies. On the human level we will have to begin practicing sacrificing the self in the small things. When we sacrifice daily human "comforts", we train ourselves on how to overcome our greatest temptations, and inevitably clear hindrances from our lives. We can then begin practicing Christ-like living.

1 John 4:9-11 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

I began this blog by discussing the slowing of high heels. Now, with the word picture aside, what really  slows you down?  What keeps us worldly?  By calling ourselves Christians, we don't just declare that we are of the Church, or that we love to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help guide the lost. We identify ourselves with Jesus- with His death and His word. We identify with Him, meaning we cannot possibly identify with the world. Are we allowing the world to enable us? Do we allow the world to make our lives easier? If we succumb to the world, we strip away our identification of "Jesus" on our lives.

Finally in the message last night, my eyes were opened to a screaming truth. We as Christians cannot give so little to the One that gave so much. We cannot give half of our hearts to the One who wholeheartedly gave Himself up for us.

Let us analyze our daily lives, for they make up our total lives. If we identify with Jesus, we must aim to be fully Jesus. We cannot please our culture, allow ourselves to be slowed down, yet still identify with the Messiah. We must a conscious, continual effort to live sacrificially.

It may not be the heels that are slowing you down (sometimes I would argue the opposite!). But, we all have something in our lives that slows our pace for Jesus and creates a distraction. Sacrificial living of the flesh, inevitably results in living for the Spirit. We only have two options, and I pray we continually and consistently choose the eternal.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stand up to the Spirit

I sat in church one evening for a "Vision Gathering", at a church in High Point, North Carolina. We had all just finished eating dinner with one another and engaging in true, pure fellowship with one another. The "vision casting" began, and our pastor presente the church's fiscal plans for the near future. We were in the process of purchasing chairs. We desired that every member that attended church would have a seat to listen to the Word and the Good News. 

Fast forward six months, and I felt as though I was continually sitting on busses. Missions are often a mix of "hurry up and wait". Much of our time is spent resting to recover for the following days. 

The following week, I saw an article stating that "standing desks" were the new trend. In order to beter aid a pastor's help, many pastors were beginning to stand to write sermons, answer emails, and read scripture. 

This morning, I watched an infomercial stating QUITE the claim. If we only allow ourselves to sit for one hour a day, we will drastically affect the amount of fat our bodies absorb on a daily basis. 

Currently,  I am sitting in a coffee shop. And, I am writing a blog about not sitting.  As Christians, it is imperative we become renewed through rest. Jesus rested.  But, we were never called to be sedentary Christians. 

Let us look at a great example of movement in the Bible. Actually let us look at the center of the Bible-it's origination. We will look at the Spirit of God. The Hebrew word for Spirit is "ruach". The minimal vocabulary of the Hebrew language results in many words having double, triple or quadruple meanings. The word "ruach" signifies the Spirit of God, wind, or breath. When we say that the Bible is God-breathed, we are literally stating that the Bible if of the Spirit. That the words were brought to the minds of the prophets through the movement of the spirit. We are not speaking of a stagnant spirit that remains in one place. The Holy Spirit is active, moving, and fills the hearts and minds of His people. 

So, if the Spirit moves within us and with each other during fellowship, we surely cannot be homebodies, lazy, sedentary, or still. As humans, we must rest. But as God's people, we must actively serve. 

We are dead until we breathe in the Holy Spirit of life. And just as we cannot grab wind, we cannot grab the Holy Spirit. But, we can feel the effects of the Holy Spirit on our lives. Never have I felt the Holy Spirit say, "wait, Alexa, let us stay in and watch the TV. Your tasks can wait another day." I believe the Holy Spirit touches your life in a similar manner to mine. It is a jolt-a violent push in some instances to move. To get up, stop sitting, and actually do something that benefits the Kingdom. Maybe it is a nudge, maybe it is a voice. I do not know how the Holy Spirit has entered into your life. But, I strongly believe that the Spirit is not telling you to "chill". The Spirit will push you, as a gust of wind, to stand, to move, to give, to serve.   Our spiritual gifts will never be exerted until we move when the spirit prompts us. I have never heard of a "giften thinker". I have heard of a gifted theologian, pastor, healer or leader. Movements of the Holy Spirit require action, and requires church benefit and blessing. 

Let us be moved, let us stand. Let us rest when it is appropriate to rest. But let us allow the Spirit to consume us in such a radical way, that we MUST move to obey its' commands. 

"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”- John 3:8 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Forgive and Live

I spent the last week with speakers. Not just people who speak...we can all do that...but individuals who make a living out of empowering, motivating, advising, encouraging, and guiding. They do all of this through their words. 
I have grown up surrounded by this industry and have always been fascinated by people who have mastered the art of communication. These men and women understand that words can take people from where they currently are, and motivate them to reach goals, dreams, and highlights of their lives. My father is a motivational speaker and author. I grew up listening to his "motivational minute" each morning during breakfast, or watch him run into the kitchen for his "prep" workout, before actually heading to the gym. He had and has energy. His desire is to motivate people to action through a process of pursuing a life where "handicaps" in our lives (mental, emotional, or physical) limit our potential and inhibit our strength.

In one aspect of his keynote he touches on a wonderful memory while traveling from the United States to Canada. The National Guard of Canada asked him three specific questions:

Where do you come from?
How long have you been there?
Where are you going?

My dad reveals the truth behind these three questions. They sum up our life journey when we reflect where we have been and which dreams we are pursuing.

This morning, my mom drove me to a coffee shop and reminded me of something so important. She said, "Alexa, remember every single day holds importance for your entire life. But with that, never let yourself forget the special moments of every single day."

I don't know about you, but I allow myself to become discouraged with two types of obstacles. There are the moments I can never forget and consistently cause me to grieve, and the moments in my life that have not yet occurred, but I remain anxious. As my mom reminded me, each day is significant. Each day holds promises and hopes. For many, each new day though is simply a reflection of the past-never being able to overcome those thoughts.

What is the root of grievances of the past and anxiety of the future? I am beginning to see that it isn't stress, mistakes, negativity, or pessimism. Instead, it is forgiveness, or the lack thereof.

If we do not allow ourselves to forgive one another, or forgive ourselves, we will never be able to form healthy relationships. We have either willingly given an essential piece of our soul to a person, or allowed he or she to steal it from us. Bitterness is not an action-it is the result of apathy. If we become apathetic and do not actively forgive one another and ourselves we will never move on, and we will certainly become bitter.

The moments you can never forget and have stained your memory because of grief, will never leave until you adress the situation and apply forgiveness. And yes, you CAN forgive yourself. You can forgive yourself, because our Lord forgave you.

And, the instances that you stand anxious about, are less about the known and more about the unknown. We must apply grace to our own lives as God so abundantly has poured grace on us. It is something we do not deserve, but desperately need. Let us allow ourselves to be human. We will worry, we will  be anxious. We will have nervous thoughts because we live in an ever changing and mystery filled world. There are no promises on Earth. Our earthly bodies will be filled with fear and doubt. Of course we will...Our earth is even filled with fear and doubt in God! Instead we have one promise we can hold on to, and it is of Heaven. Let us take the model of Heaven's grace on our Earth, and make it personal. We will never encompass perfect, infallible grace as our Father displays. This is because often, the obstacles in our lives are merited...we deserve to grieve them. Our actions may be so far from the will of God, that we must fully grive them, apply forgiveness, and seek His grace to fully stand in the blinding light of our Lord. By seeking His grace, we will encompass the qualities of Grace. Remember, we were made in His image. Grace is a quality only God can perfectly encompass, yet we can allow grace to fill our hearts and flood our being. Then, we can show grace to others, and apply it to the"hangups" in our lives.

Matthew 6:14 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."

So now here is the question: How long have you been there?  How long have we allowed our past to inhibit where we are going? How long have we allowed earthly choices to inhibit God's desire for our lives?  God's will must and will be done regardless of us. But, we will never be fully used by our Heavenly father until we apply his model of grace and forgiveness to our own lives, and move on. Until we move on and start looking up again (instead of in our past or future), we will never see His direction. 
It is less about our circumstances and more about the choice to forgive, the choice to aggressively analyze circumstances in our lives and apply grace.

Thank you Dad, for allowing me to use this metaphor that you eloquently speak of in your presentation. I am thankful for your encounter with this gentleman. It has taught me so much. And thank you mom for your daily advice. 

Finally, "where are you going?" Let us begin to choose forgiveness. Let us choose grace. Let us avoid bitterness. Let us regain the piece of our hearts that we willingly sold to the earth or willingly gave away in the moment. Let us piece together our lives so that we no longer look behind, ahead or down. Instead we can look up, into His glorious face, knowing that He is the giver and perfecter of grace and forgiveness.

Psalm 86:4-5 "Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you."

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Ever since my first psychology class during my sophomore year of High School, I have been fascinated by the word "attractive".  What makes something attractive to a human, and what are the qualifications for making a person attractive?

I even turn this question on the Gospel..what makes the Good News of the Gospel attractive to Christians? And, what makes the Gospel attractive to the non-believer who desires to know more?

Let us look at what Paul wrote to fellow believers, the Phillipians. The title of this section in my Bible is titled, "The Advance of the Gospel", and in other translations "Paul's Chains Advance the Gospel".

12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. 13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14 And because of my chains,most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.
15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."
-Philippians 1:16

Paul understood through the Holy Spirit, that joy in the midst of tribulation was the most effective means of spreading the Gospel. Why? Because it was shocking. If we look at our present culture, the shocking events are the headlines. The events that jolt our hearts to ask, "why?" make the news and become popular. 

We were formed to recognize the shocking. We were formed to recognize the irregular, the odd, and the abnormal. We were formed to recognize the eternal

Paul knew that joy in times of tribulation brought the Gospel to non-believers and strengthened the spirits of the Philippians. Paul was chosen by God, as a Favored One, to reveal the steadfast and consistent Grace of Jesus. As he states, His mission and calling was to stand in defense of the Gospel. This brings up something very interesting. 
Are we standing in defense of the Gospel? 


  [dih-fens or, especially for 7, 9, dee-fens noun, verb, de·fensed, de·fens·ing.
resistance against attack; protection: Two more regiments areneeded for the defense of the city.
something that defends, as a fortification, physical ormental quality, or medication: This fort was once the maindefense of the island.
the defending of a cause or the like by speech, argument,etc.: He spoke in defense of the nation's foreign policy.

To defend something, we must position ourselves in locations where we can aid the Gospel in resisting attack. The Gospel doesn't need us. The Gospel is perfect, flawless and can certainly defend itself. Yet, we need the Gospel. We need to defend the Gospel so that the Gospel is proclaimed and uninhibited in our hearts. We defend the Gospel more for ourselves, than for the Gospel itself. 

We were formed to defend the work of God, because we are the work of God. By standing in the light of God while placed in the darkness of earth we become shocking. We defend the account of the Gospel. We are attracted to the shocking because WE are the shocking! We are the differential in a world of stagnancy. The Holy Spirit within us seeks the Book that was formed by the same hands. The Bible. 

We need not defend the Gospel in the same manner that one defends a city. Guns, armor and ammunition wil not protect the Gospel from attack. Instead, proclamation is defense. It took me a long time to understand that when it comes to Jesus, to protect Him, means to make Him known. Once He is revealed, there is no stopping the power of grace. The only thing that harms the Gospel is hiding it. Proclaiming the Gospel is defense. 

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified". 1 Corinthians 2:2 

Always be ready to defend...or proclaim..the Gospel. 

And, Always be ready to protect your heart. For, "from it flows the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23). Our hearts must stay strong during defense, and if when defending the Gospel, your heart begins to feel troubled, let us rest. We cannot go so far to proclaim the Gospel that we forget the roots of salvation, and neglect the consuming power and presence of the Spirit in our lives. 

"… always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you… " 1 Peter 3:15

When proclamation doesn't seem to be defense enough from the world, remember this: we were made to proclaim His great name. His creation, he nature around us, proclaims the Holiness of our God. Let us take their perfect cue. 

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:18-20