Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Look Up.

Today was a tough day. For me, days are classified under "tough" when I feel like I am in a blur of confusion or haphazardness. The world seems to do that to people. We get lost in the flesh: a whirlwind of materialism and minor issues. Unfortunately, I succumbed to having one of these days. 
God put something on my heart tonight though, and I feel as though it needs to be shared. It is something that has been encouraging me this past year, and will continue to, when I face days that seem to have an "absence" of Christ. 
As my AP Statistics class ended, I decided to head home after a tiring and somewhat stressful day. I pulled into my driveway, turned off the car and had to take a few deep breaths. I began to think of the summer; what I had planned, and what I wanted to get caught up on in the few academic-free months I had ahead of me. I immediately though of my week-long trip to Birmingham, Alabama, and later my short drive to Ruston, Louisiana to be with my family for the humid, summer week. Ruston is an incredible place: humble, loving people, beautiful trees, and caring Southern accents in every small grocery store. I  began to envision myself there to escape the suburbs of Granite Bay for a second. I miss the small Grace Methodist Church I attend with my Grandma every Sunday at 7am to catch the Sunday school, and Worship service. I heard a hymn last time I had the opportunity of visiting. A hymn written in the early 1700's titles "God Will Lift Up Your Head", flooded the Sanctuary and I was in awe. All of the women singing the song without restraint and seeing my Grandma in the choir singing with her whole, vulnerable heart to Christ. 
Days when we feel so caught up in the world call for one thing. We must mentally and physically look up to  be engulfed by the Lord's protection. God is SO strong. The act of Him gently raising up our chins to peer into His kingdom is extraordinary. We may see clouds, we may see sun, but we will always see Him. 
We can at all times come to him and simply look up. One of the most incredible parts of the Lord his the ease at which we can access Him. And, when we least expect it (and need it most) Christ will life up our heads for us, and put something on our hearts to feel at peace. 
The composer of this hymn was so right on in so many ways. Think about this: when we look up to the sky it is almost impossible to cry. As we look straight ahead, at the world, tears may flow fast and thick down our cheeks. As we look up, crying is interrupted. The Sky is an expanse that brings hope. As we "reach for the moon" or "search for the stars" we are in essence looking at Him. His greatness, His strength, and His ingenious spirit is in it all. When he lifts up our heads from the mundane world of the flesh, to the hope-filled expanse of his Kingdom we as humans can get a taste of eternity. Christ's gentle nudge to look upwards to Him is breathtaking. Many times we may not have the strength to look up, and that is when He takes over.
Christ clears the way in this sinful world and through His strong hand we can be lifted up. As He rose, and He become the helping hand in raising us up as well. Christ becomes so joyful as we look up to him. In joy, He does this, not as an obligation. As he lifts our eyes and our hearts, He is joyful, and in turn we are too. The God who knows every pore on our face, and counts our tears, will lift up our heads to catch a glimpse of his glory.

Take the chance to look up every once and a while. Step outside and let your eyes be transfixed on His greatness.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Alive.

I have always been a thinker. I used to criticize myself for it-saying there was no point to aimless thinking. You see, I felt that the more I thought about random occurences, the more often I would find myself off track with what God wanted me to be and the direction he had for me. I used to imagine the path God was taking me on as two long train tracks that made slight turns, if any, and continued on a straight path, forever. I am beginning to see this metaphor much differently.

God has a plan for us: we all know that. But where does the training aspect come in when we look at our lives, and the places God wants to take us?

So, I developed a new metaphor: one that worked for me and helped me understand God a little bit more.

If we imagine a swimming pool, the second we get in we may have to catch our breaths because it is so cold. God's all encompassing presence caught me somewhat off-guard when I first began to feel it. It may seem like a plunge we are not willing to take at the moment, but once we are settled in and feel his love, we stay there.

The moment we get out of the pool we feel hot flagstone on our feet. We have left what has felt comforting to us, and now stand on unknown territory, whether it be scary or not comfortable. The heat from the world, the flesh, cannot comfort any aspect of us and we so badly desire to jump back into God's loving arms.

Why, as humans, do we ever leave the pool? Even if we become pruny-fingered and have tired muscles, why don't we stay in the place most comfortable to us? God's love, in constrast to a pool does not make our fingers wrinkle up or let us become wiped out. His love energizes and strengthens.

God has a journey that he wants to take each and every one of us on. A journey to grow his Kindgom, and enrich our faith in him.
Christ will TAKE us, BREAK us, and REMAKE us. This process is cyclical and will continue until we leave this earth to be with Him. I find it so awe-inspiring to see how Christ completely changes our make-up as a person and as an advocate for Him during this transformation. Our hearts, sourls and minds become more open to his grace, aware of his blessings, and empowered to speak His words to others.
Christ knew that humas would need a severe wake-up call to shake them from the casual way "Sunday morning Church attenders" to people devoted to Christ's Word and sharing the Gospel. An up close and personal look into how Christ leads his children is seen so clearly and beautifully as we experience this transformation in our lives.
The awesome thing, is that the Lord is so faithful to his creation.
As Psalms 145:13 reads: The LORD is faithful in all he says; he is gracious in all he does.
Christ is so alive, isn't he? From the way he transforms our lives, to the way he directs our paths so flawlessly continues to amaze me. God is not a one-dimensional figure in our lives. The word faith implies continuous thought and care for all he has made. He stumble with our faith towards Him, yet the Lord's faith in what he has completed, and what he has yet to have shown us is perfect and remarkable. It makes it much easier to have faith in a God that has faith in his good works.
God intervenes in our lives in unthinkable, creative, yet perfect ways. The Holy Spirit is so alive in our lives and never, ever lets go.
Let us try to stay in the water a little longer. Let ourselves get slightly pruny. Although we may not know specifics on God's call for our lives we do know it will be a life for Him- a good and blessed life.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Miles from Somewhere.

Cat Stevens, you are a musical genius. Words that inspire and words that uplift come out of your mouth in every song. You encourage the young to pursue their dreams and adults to nurture their children. You are passionate about change and expect each generation to progress and be successful.
A question then arises as I listen to your music. What exactly is your passion? What is the fuel to drive you to compose songs inspiring a revival of America's culture? Why do you do it Cat?
The fifth track on the C.D. began to play. And it all came down on me at once. The song is titled "Miles from Nowhere." Cat Stevens speaks of the long journeys he takes in his life, and how unlike many people he knows, Cat does not end up in the same place. He never returns home, or to a similar location as he started. His ventures away from the norm allow him to see life in a different light, and he never comes back.
He is truly Miles from Nowhere though, isn't he? As he is "lost" in this "wild world" something becomes clear. Everyone needs to have a "somewhere" they belong. In this wild world, the only true home we have is in Him. Under Him we are empowered, strengthened and humbled. Even as we travel to the farthest distance from Christ, he still finds us. We seem to play hide and seek with the Lord, don't we? We may hide in shame misery, concern or because of a lack of faith. But we once again are discovered by the person searching for us: our Savior.
I am beginning to be encouraged to maybe not hide in the most discreet places from Christ. When we do, we only place ourselves nearer to sin, and farther from Him. Thankfully, as we will experience at many points in our lives, He constantly does find us. He never loses this game on Earth, and did not lose the game of eternity.
For me, having two homes can be difficult. Lugging my stuff from home to home or attending every family member's events is quite challenging. I have discovered something pretty incredible about Christ though. I sometimes find myself saying this hurtful phrase to my parents, "I am just going to go stay at _____ house then!", filling in the blank with the opposite parent I am talking to. Sometimes I just want to get away.-away from the current circumstances to experience so called peace. Once I drive my car over the other home though, only more turmoil stirs within me. Peace really only does lie in Him. Nothing here will satisfy you permanently. The experience of having divorced parents has also taught me something crucial to how I view people. With some of the most diverse parents one could ever imagine, the experiences of their lives contribute to their wisdom, which they can then teach me. They have all at some point (as we all do) ventured outside of the path God has directed for them, and learned something. As Christ found them, put them under His wing, and brought them back under the pouring out of glory and blessings, they are inspired to share the Word of God. No matter how far outside of the Lord's law and love they stood, they were saved, uplifted and transformed.
Although in our lives we may feel lost, frightened, confused or even bewildered with things of the flesh, we need to know that our way home is not too far. Although we may be miles from where we aspire or should be, we still so have a starting point, a destination, and a current home in Him. We are only miles from somewhere, never from nowhere.
Isaiah 40:31~But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.
We know that we have that somewhere. And, that Somewhere is wanting us to visit and stay there.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Think Outside the Bun.

"Alexa, you need to drive me to Taco Bell. I have an interview!" These were the first words out my brother's mouth yesterday when I came home from school. After endlessly searching for a job, he is one person truly deserving of a job, even in the economy of today. We got into my car, and drove over to the Taco Bell near our home. Nervous yet excited, Alex was ready to make a great impression. He walked inside to meet with the manager, and I went across the street to Raley's while he was inside the restaurant. I decided to get him an energy drink (his favorite) as I stuck to my regular Diet Coke and Big Red gum. I got back to my car and sat and waited. What to do on this Thursday afternoon, 20 minutes before I needed to be at work?
While I was in the store I noticed an elderly couple walking with each other as they carefully chose the best produce and picked up candy for their grandchildren. I always smile when I see an elderly couple so in love or caring for each other in a Godly way. I zipped over to the express lane instead of standing in line behind them, and was now sitting in my car. As I racked my brain for something to fill the time, I decided to play some music on my iPod. I decided on Jars of Clay and I began to feel at peace. I then looked up across the parking lot and once again saw the couple. Now they had somebody helping them out with their few bags of groceries to their red van. The man helped his wife into her seat and then got into the drivers seat. The engine started and the van began to move. As it turned the corner right in front of my car I was drawn to a faded sign attached to the back window and trunk opener. I now know why I was so fascinated with the couple in the first place. What was written on the back of their car was a clear message I needed to hear. It said in all capitals "25 Matthew 40-45."
"And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'
I reached to the backseat and grabbed my study bible. On first glance I began to feel slightly insecure about my lack of knowledge or memorization of this verse. It was on the "memorize" category of my Bible, and now I see why. This man's life mission was to do good for other people. One thing many have noticed about Jesus is that he does not waste any words; every single word of His Word has clarity and specificity. The ease at which we can praise Him every day; from the small actions of everyday to monumental servanthood all praise our Savior. Why would I not do something for someone else, if in fact it was for Him. On Earth though the distractions are inevitable and so prevalent. We must remember this simple phrase: If we are loving God, we will be loving people. If we are loving people, we are loving God.
Faith, Hope and Love. The three words that bring joy to our lives as Christians, or non-believers. While I was sitting with my dog watching T.V. the other night I realized something else. Animals, once you get past the begging of treats, or the jumping for a walk, all have one thing in common: they are so eager to give and receive love. One purpose for them on this earth is to love and be loved. The same is true for humans: when all is stripped away; possessions, needs, fears, or even relationships, all we want is to be loved. Our inner being is composed of it and longs for it.
The similar ideas of servanthood, love and the verse I saw that beautiful afternoon just came toppling down on me at once. The Lord knew it was something that I really needed to hear at this point in my life, and maybe you do too.
My brother raced back to my car as I pulled out of Taco Bell with a smile on his face, "one more interview to pass, and I got the job!" The van was in front of us with the white letters slowly deteriorating from the back window. Those letters, that verse, had been there awhile. Frankly, I believe it has touched so many people's life as it did mine.
I encourage you to "think outside of the bun" every once in a while. Think outside of the boundaries of earth's restrictions and laws and place yourself under Christ's guidance.